Certified center

Vis­ceral On­co­lo­gy Cent­re

A cancer diagnosis understandably triggers worry, fear and uncertainty. The certified visceral oncology centre for anal cancer, bowel cancer, pancreatic cancer and oesophageal cancer at the Claraspital supports and accompanies you in every phase of your illness with a comprehensive therapy concept.

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Ever­ything un­der one roof

We offer you a full oncological assessment and all established therapies (drug treatment, surgical procedures, interventions and radiotherapy) according to the latest scientific findings and carry them out here at the Claraspital.

We maintain a closely networked, interdisciplinary cooperation across the various disciplines and professional groups. Naturally, we also offer you psychological, pastoral and social support in this difficult situation.

Cli­ni­cal re­se­arch

In order to improve treatment concepts and incorporate new scientific findings into the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, the Claraspital is also involved in clinical research and participates in medical studies. Of course, participation in a study only takes place after detailed discussion and with your written consent.

Qua­li­ty la­bel

The Visceral Oncology Centre is certified by the German Cancer Society (DKG). The German Cancer Society (DKG) is a worldwide neutral quality mark for good oncological care. The DKG certifies that patients benefit from treatment in accordance with the highest international quality guidelines, which can support them in their choice of hospital and create the necessary trust. Patients in certified cancer centres have a significantly lower risk of death. DKG-certified cancer centres are subject to annual quality control, must implement the latest scientific findings and use state-of-the-art technology.


Our certifications at a glance

Viszeralonkologisches Zentrum Claraspital Zertifikate
Vis­ceral on­co­lo­gy cent­re cer­ti­fied by the Ger­man Can­cer So­cie­ty DKG
Viszeralonkologisches Zentrum Analkrebszentrum Claraspital Zertifikate
Anal can­cer cent­re cer­ti­fied by the Ger­man Can­cer So­cie­ty DKG
Viszeralonkologisches Zentrum Darmkrebszentrum Claraspital Zertifikate
Co­lo­rec­tal can­cer cent­re cer­ti­fied by the Ger­man Can­cer So­cie­ty DKG
Viszeralonkologisches Zentrum Pankreaskarzinomzentrum Claraspital Zertifikate
Sa­li­vary gland can­cer cent­re cer­ti­fied by the Ger­man Can­cer So­cie­ty DKG
Viszeralonkologisches Zentrum Speiseröhrenkrebszentrum Claraspital Zertifikate
Oe­so­pha­ge­al can­cer cent­re cer­ti­fied by the Ger­man Can­cer So­cie­ty DKG

The­re for you tog­e­ther

In order to meet the high quality standards and find the most suitable therapy for each person affected, the treatment of each cancer patient is discussed at a joint, interdisciplinary meeting of doctors from different disciplines. All specialists from surgery, oncology, radiotherapy, gastroenterology, pathology and radiology are present at these tumour boards. Your treating doctor is also welcome to attend.

Patient brochures and downloads

Flyer Visceral Oncology Centre
Basel News Colorectal cancer Claraspital
Additional services Activity for cancer Claraspital
Physio Oncology Claraspital
Flyer Psychological Services
Complete Claraspital brochure