Vi­si­t­ing hours

Aufenthalt Park Mood

When fa­mily, friends and ac­quain­tan­ces come.

Visiting hours are daily from 10.00 to 20.00 in all departments of the Claraspital. Please show consideration for the needs of your fellow patients. If you do not wish to be visited, please inform your nurse in charge.

Pa­ti­ents with sup­ple­men­tary insuran­ce

Visiting hours for semi-privately insured patients are daily from 10.00 to 22.00.
Individual visiting hours apply for patients with private insurance.

Vi­sits to in­ten­si­ve care unit

Only the persons closest to the patient have access to the intensive care unit. Visits must be arranged with the responsible intensive care nurse.

Aufenthalt Gastronomie Cafe Chiara Claraspital Teaser

Visitor cafés

Café Chiara in the Claraspital and Café Rosa in the park are ideal places for visitors to linger.

Our Café Chiara is located in the centre of the main building and has a terrace. At Café Chiara you can enjoy hot and cold drinks, cold dishes, snacks as well as pastries, fruit tarts, tea cakes, sandwiches, ice cream and many other "gluschtigi" things. Also available are important hygiene articles, gifts, magazines and books.

Mon-Fri 8.00-18.00
Sat, Sun and public holidays 12.00-18.00 hrs

We look forward to your visit

Where you can find us