Rooms and ser­vices

Aufenthalt Patientenzimmer Claraspital
The at­mo­s­phe­re of a room is shaped by the peop­le who stay and work in it, but also by the ar­chi­tec­tu­re, co­lour sche­me, light­ing, ma­te­ri­als, tem­pe­ra­tu­re, fur­nis­hin­gs and much more.

Sleep like in a ho­tel

At the Claraspital, you will be accommodated in single and double rooms with a well-maintained, homely atmosphere, furnished with warm materials and decorated in friendly colours. The rooms for patients with supplementary insurance are particularly carefully designed.

  • Aufenthalt Zimmer 1 Claraspital Teaser


    with a good atmosphere

    Light, warm, friendly colours and appealing materials in our patient rooms contribute to the well-being of our patients.

  • Aufenthalt Zimmer 2 Claraspital Teaser

    Practical and beautiful

    the functional requirements are solved

    We took patients' daily routines, care requirements, cleaning and much more into account when redesigning the patient rooms.

  • Aufenthalt Zimmer 3 Claraspital Teaser

    Attractive and bright

    every detail is carefully selected

    We have carefully considered what effect and atmosphere our patient rooms should have. The result is right: the response from our patients is very positive.

Services in the patient rooms