Elec­tro­nic re­fer­ral plat­form Clara­Por­tal

Mood Arbeiten Im Claraspital
The Claraspital of­fers doc­tors a di­gi­tal plat­form for the ra­pid ex­chan­ge of in­for­ma­ti­on about their pa­ti­ents.

In the ClaraPortal, we provide doctors with their patients' medical data, findings and treatment results promptly and in electronic form. Even during your patient's hospitalisation, you can obtain quick and comprehensive information about the course of their stay.

If you would like authentication via a HIN address, you can send us your HIN e-mail address and your HIN identity to [email protected]or call +41 61 685 86 60.

ClaraPortal login with HIN authentication


Apparently there are currently problems with the transfer of diagnostic data to the ClaraPortal. We are working hard with the manufacturer to find a quick solution to the problem and if you currently have urgent queries about specific patients, please do not hesitate to let us know (case number or patient/patient date and date of examination is usually sufficient).

ClaraPortal access without HIN authentication (with electronic certificate) is unfortunately no longer possible due to a development stop by the manufacturer.