In­ter­di­sci­pli­nary tu­mour board

Zuweisende Tumorzentrum Clarspital

An interdisciplinary tumour conference is held several times a week at the Claraspital, which you are welcome to attend. Discussions with patients of external guests are always held at the beginning.

Tu­mour board

An interdisciplinary tumour conference is held six times a week. All specialists - radiologists, pathologists, surgeons, medical oncologists and radiotherapists - are present at these meetings. The radiologists demonstrate the relevant X-ray findings, the pathologists comment on the tissue examinations and the surgeons, medical oncologists and radiation oncologists jointly discuss the treatment strategy, which in many cases includes surgical, radiotherapeutic and chemotherapeutic intervention.

General practitioners and attending physicians can also take part in the tumour board and contribute further aspects, including those relating to the patient's family situation and social environment. The clinical picture of each individual patient is discussed together and the therapy plan for the treatment is determined as a team. Please register at [email protected].


  • Visceral medicine/general: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 07:25 a.m.
  • Senology: Tuesday 16:45
  • Gynaecology: Wednesday 07:40 a.m.
  • Thorax: Wednesday 17:00
  • Urology/urogenital: Friday 13:00

Claraspital report room (5th floor) or virtually

Information and registration
Registration is requested
anmeldun [email protected]