Our care

Aufenthalt Pflege Claraspital
Schindler Beate Testimonial
«We see nursing care as a dynamic partnership between patients, relatives and carers.»
- Beate Schindler, Head of Nursing and Hotel Services

Being able to ensure a high quality of care together is essential for good patient care. The carers and specially trained specialists and nursing experts at the Claraspital are committed to this every day.

Care tailo­red to the needs of pa­ti­ents

Nursing care at the Claraspital is based on the latest scientific findings. This includes evidence-based standards that structure work processes in a meaningful way and modern concepts for process optimisation that are geared towards the needs of patients.

One example is the regular visits by carers to patients, during which the 7 Ps (person, plan, priority, personal hygiene, pain, position, presence) are discussed.

This approach increases the presence of carers with patients. At the same time, the introduction of care trolleys has significantly reduced the distance that carers have to travel each day, giving them almost two hours more time per week to spend with the patients entrusted to their care. Such measures have positive effects: on the quality of care, on the feeling of safety - and therefore also on patient satisfaction.

Needs-ori­en­ta­ted and ho­li­stic care

The central task of our carers is to accompany and support our patients during their stay in hospital. We want to offer our patients needs-orientated and holistic care. We achieve this through good co-operation between the interdisciplinary treatment team.

Aufenthalt Pflege 3 Claraspital Teaser

High quality of care

During your stay at the Claraspital, you will be looked after by staff from various specialities, who will provide you with competent professional and personal care.

We demand a high quality of care from ourselves, which is why we constantly review our care services. Standards and guidelines have been drawn up in all specialist areas of the Claraspital to enable our employees to work in accordance with our quality standards.

Kunz Maria
«Patients want to be taken seriously, informed, listened to and counselled.»
- Maria Kunz, ward manager

The interdisciplinary treatment team, as well as the patient and their relatives, should be in dialogue with each other in order to create an atmosphere of trust and enable a partnership-based cooperation.

High­ly qua­li­fied ca­rers

The Claraspital employs highly qualified nursing staff who have undergone extensive training. Each ward is supported by specialists with higher training. This ensures a high level of expertise and specialisation.

In addition to their duties with patients, our nursing staff are actively involved in the training of professionals. They regularly come into contact with trainees in various phases of their training. The trainees are always accompanied and supervised by experienced nursing staff. This enables us to ensure high-quality training.


Quality principles of our care

Your contact persons

In the management of the nursing service

Your contact persons

On the wards

Your contact persons

On the day ward

Your contact persons

On the palliative care ward

Your contact persons

In social services and case management

Aufenthalt Pflege PEK Claraspital Content

En­su­re a high le­vel of care ex­per­ti­se

We ensure that the nursing expertise on the wards is at a high level and that the transfer of new scientific findings into practice is guaranteed.

We do this by having specially trained nursing experts (PEX) support, coach and empower the specialist experts (FEX) on the wards.

For their part, the FEXs have in-depth specialist knowledge and practical experience. Together with the ward manager, they assume responsibility for the ward in terms of nursing care and work with the team to further develop topics that are important for their ward.

At the same time, there is a working group made up of PEX and FEX. The aim of this group is to work on cross-ward care-related topics and to actively exchange information and ensure standardised implementation. If necessary, other internal or external experts are invited to work on specific problems and issues.

This enables the FEX to recognise and address issues at their own station at an early stage and develop solutions and strategies with their teams.

Lack Monika
«Each ward has a Kaizen board, which is displayed in a central location for all to see. Many improvements have already been introduced quickly and have a high level of acceptance within the team. Kaizen enables us to actively live our cultural criteria of "together - competent - responsible" in everyday ward life.»
- Monika Lack, ward manager

Con­ti­nuous im­pro­ve­ment: Kai­zen Boards

The term Kaizen comes from the Japanese and is made up of Kai = change, transformation; Zen = for the better. It refers to the permanent improvement of activities, processes, procedures or products by all employees. The message of Kaizen: not a day should go by without some kind of improvement in the company. It is not about major innovations or fundamental changes, but about employees contributing their ideas, suggestions for improvement and solutions and using their own initiative to bring about bottom-up improvements and help shape their own working environment. Implementation can take place promptly and successes are quickly visible.

Increasingly digitally supported processes

Processes in nursing care are also increasingly being supported digitally. For example, we record the nutritional status of our patients, the Nutrition Score, electronically on admission so that we can initiate measures at an early stage in the event of malnutrition. The electronic entries are available to the treatment team at all times. Any abnormalities automatically trigger a question to the doctor and ensure the flow of communication.

Patient brochures and downloads

Complete Claraspital brochure