The Claraspital

Ueber Das Claraspital Fassade Mood

We introduce ourselves

A warm welcome!

Hatzung Rebekka Testimonial
«At Claraspital you can expect excellent medical and nursing care and treatment with a human touch. We do everything we can to ensure that you and your relatives feel well looked after, taken seriously and safe with us.»
- Rebekka Hatzung, Hospital Director
foun­ded by the In­gen­bohl In­sti­tu­te
which is still the sole spon­sor of the Claraspital to­day
Sa­tis­fied pa­ti­ents
the most im­portant num­ber for us!
Our emer­gen­cy ward is open 365 days a year
the only one on Klein­ba­sel

Comprehensive care

Here you will find everything under one roof, from diagnosis, curative and palliative therapies to rehabilitation.