Ad­di­tio­nal be­ne­fits for peop­le with semi-pri­va­te or pri­va­te insuran­ce

Aufenthalt Besuchszeiten Clarspital

The Claraspital offers its patients with private and supplementary insurance various additional services.

Tre­at yours­elf to a tem­por­ary Cla­raUp­grade

You enjoy excellent treatment at Claraspital. In some situations, however, you may want a little more than your basic insurance covers - for example, treatment by a doctor of your choice and the comfort of a single room? At Claraspital you have the option of a temporary change of class for your inpatient stay. This does not require any contractual obligations with supplementary or private insurance: You can flexibly upgrade your inpatient hospital treatment to a higher class. Find out more about the possibilities of an upgrade.

At a glance

Your advantages of supplementary insurance

  • Aufenthalt Gastronomie Verpflegungsassistenz Claraspital Teaser


    Extended menu

    During your stay in hospital, you can enjoy the services of the upscale catering and hotel industry.

  • Aufenthalt ZV Guest Relation Claraspital Teaser

    Guest Relation

    Your personal contact person

    If you wish, you can be accompanied from the time of admission, during your stay and until you leave.

  • Aufenthalt Pflege 3 Claraspital Teaser

    Treatment and care

    Comprehensive nursing and medical care

    Treatment by a doctor of your choice (depending on insurance class)

Patient brochures and downloads

In addition to the information on our website, our downloadable patient brochure provides you with valuable information about your stay with us.

Everything you need to know about your stay - Patient brochure for patients with supplementary insurance Claraspital
Flyer ClaraUpgrade Claraspital
Complete Claraspital brochure

Contact us

How you can reach us