Insuran­ce/ra­tes and pay­ment de­tails

Aufenthalt Eintritt Claraspital

Thank you for choosing the Claraspital and placing your trust in us.

Tem­por­ary up­grade

In Switzerland, your basic health insurance already provides you with good care in the event of illness. But sometimes you might want a little more - such as the comfort of a single room in a private ward or treatment by a doctor of your choice. With us, you don't need any additional insurance for this: you have the flexibility to have your inpatient hospital treatment in a higher class.

General information on insurance and tariffs

Patient brochures and downloads

Everything you need to know about your stay - Claraspital patient brochure for those with general health insurance
PDF · 2.02 MB
Everything you need to know about your stay - Patient brochure for patients with supplementary insurance at Claraspital
PDF · 2.04 MB
Tax regulations Claraspital
PDF · 0.5 MB

In­for­ma­ti­on on pa­ti­ent bil­ling/insuran­ce co­verage

Pay­ment de­tails

IBAN: CH54 0077 0016 0501 2088 4 (CHF account)

IBAN: CH32 0077 0016 0649 7828 5 ( Euro account)

In favour of: St. Claraspital AG, Kleinriehenstrasse 30, P.O. Box, 4002 Basel

Contact us

How you can reach us