Pa­storal care

Aufenthalt Seelsorge Claraspital
In ad­di­ti­on to the doc­tors and nur­sing staff, we cha­plains are also the­re for you. We have time for you and wou­ld like to sup­port you with your questi­ons, con­cerns, doubts and needs du­ring your stay.

The hospital is a world of its own and for many it is difficult to adjust to the new environment. They are confronted with a new situation: being ill. Worries and questions arise and we humans seek support. We know that being ill and the associated weaknesses are part of life. However, overcoming or accepting them is not easy.

The chaplains at Claraspital see themselves as dialogue partners for the people in the hospital. They are there for patients and relatives and have time to listen to their concerns. Religious topics, prayers or Christian acts of worship are possible, but by no means obligatory. Pastoral care is provided in an ecumenical spirit of openness and is generally aimed at anyone who needs a sympathetic ear.

Our pastoral care staff


If you would like to talk to a chaplain, please let the nursing staff know or contact the chaplains yourself on the following telephone numbers. The members of the ecumenical hospital chaplaincy team will visit you in your room and are also there for your relatives on request. They will also be happy to put you in touch with your home parish or community.

Catholic pastoral care: T +41 61 685 85 02
Ref. pastoral care: T +41 61 685 85 01

The Claraspital chapel on the 2nd floor of the Hirzbrunnenhaus is open to you at all times as a place of peace. It is also the venue for church services, to which we cordially invite you. If you need help getting there, please let your nursing staff know.

Church services
An ecumenical "midweek reflection" takes place regularly in the chapel on Wednesdays at 16:15, to which everyone is cordially invited. Other services (e.g. on public holidays or special occasions) are specially announced on the notice board in front of the chapel and on the ward corridors.

Communion for the sick and anointing of the sick
Communion for the sick will be brought to your room. Please inform the nursing staff of your request. The anointing of the sick, formerly also known as "last rites", is an important strengthening measure in times of serious illness. Please inform your nursing staff in good time if you would like to receive this sacrament, as a priest is not always available.

Other denominations and religions
Representatives of other denominations and religious communities can also be called.

Being there for our patients and their relatives is important to us hospital chaplains. In emergencies, you can try to contact us privately.

Offer flyer

Pastoral care flyer
Flyer When you need help