Facts and fi­gu­res

Ueber Das Claraspital Gesamt Mood
Medizinisches Angebot Pneumologie Clarspital Content


were trea­ted at the Claraspital in 2023. Around half of the­se were ad­mit­ted via our emer­gen­cy ward. 55% of in­pa­ti­ents re­cei­ved tre­at­ment in our Tu­mour and Ab­do­mi­nal Cen­tres.
were trea­ted at the Claraspital in 2023. Of the­se, 52% came from Ba­sel-Sta­dt and 30% from Ba­sel­land. The re­mai­ning 18% came from the rest of north-west Switz­er­land and neigh­bou­ring coun­tries.
Emer­gen­cy pa­ti­ents
were trea­ted in the Cla­ra­spi­tal's 24-hour emer­gen­cy ward in 2023, 8% fe­wer than in the peak year of 2022, but still 7% more than be­fo­re the pan­de­mic.

Claraspital Annual Reports

Claraspital Annual Report 2023
Claraspital Annual Report 2022
Claraspital Annual Report 2021
> 1 mil­li­on
was car­ri­ed out by our la­bo­ra­tory in 2023, the repro­ces­sing unit for me­di­cal de­vices AEMP ste­ri­li­sed 37,059 in­di­vi­dual­ly packa­ged in­stru­ments, 3,977 ven­ti­la­ti­ons (shifts) were per­for­med in the ICU and the ana­esthe­sia de­part­ment in­du­ced 7,072 ana­esthe­si­as.
+ 48%
More high­ly spe­cia­li­sed in­ter­ven­ti­ons
were per­for­med at the Claraspital in 2023, in­clu­ding 58 rec­tal resec­tions, 87 com­plex ba­ria­tric pro­ce­du­res, 46 oe­so­pha­ge­al resec­tions, 52 pan­crea­tic resec­tions and 19 ra­di­cal cy­stec­to­mies.
Pa­ti­ent-spe­ci­fic me­di­ca­ti­on
were pre­pa­red in the Claraspital phar­macy in 2023, 9,367 out­pa­ti­ent che­mo­the­ra­pies were ad­mi­ni­ste­red in the Cla­ra­spi­tal's on­co­lo­gy/ha­ema­to­lo­gy out­pa­ti­ent cli­nic and 13,633 ra­dio­the­ra­py tre­at­ments were car­ri­ed out in the Cla­ra­spi­tal's ra­dia­ti­on on­co­lo­gy de­part­ment.
> 50
new jobs
were ad­ded in 2023. The ad­di­tio­nal po­si­ti­ons will re­li­e­ve the pres­su­re on exi­sting em­ployees and help to en­su­re the high qua­li­ty of our ser­vice pro­vi­si­on.
Full-time po­si­ti­ons
are of­fe­red by the Claraspital, which cor­re­sponds to around 1,200 em­ployees. In ad­di­ti­on, the­re are em­ployees from Clar­un­is - Uni­ver­si­ty Ab­do­mi­nal Cent­re, St. Cla­ra Re­se­arch and our faci­li­ty ma­nage­ment ser­vice pro­vi­der ISS, who work here at Claraspital.
off > 32
is whe­re our em­ployees come from. The ma­jo­ri­ty of them live in Switz­er­land, while around 350 peop­le, or just over a quar­ter, are cro­ss-bor­der com­mu­ters.