were treated at the Claraspital in 2023. Around half of these were admitted via our emergency ward. 55% of inpatients received treatment in our Tumour and Abdominal Centres.
were treated at the Claraspital in 2023. Of these, 52% came from Basel-Stadt and 30% from Baselland. The remaining 18% came from the rest of north-west Switzerland and neighbouring countries.
Emergency patients
were treated in the Claraspital's 24-hour emergency ward in 2023, 8% fewer than in the peak year of 2022, but still 7% more than before the pandemic.
> 1 million
was carried out by our laboratory in 2023, the reprocessing unit for medical devices AEMP sterilised 37,059 individually packaged instruments, 3,977 ventilations (shifts) were performed in the ICU and the anaesthesia department induced 7,072 anaesthesias.
+ 48%
More highly specialised interventions
were performed at the Claraspital in 2023, including 58 rectal resections, 87 complex bariatric procedures, 46 oesophageal resections, 52 pancreatic resections and 19 radical cystectomies.
Patient-specific medication
were prepared in the Claraspital pharmacy in 2023, 9,367 outpatient chemotherapies were administered in the Claraspital's oncology/haematology outpatient clinic and 13,633 radiotherapy treatments were carried out in the Claraspital's radiation oncology department.
> 50
new jobs
were added in 2023. The additional positions will relieve the pressure on existing employees and help to ensure the high quality of our service provision.
Full-time positions
are offered by the Claraspital, which corresponds to around 1,200 employees. In addition, there are employees from Clarunis - University Abdominal Centre, St. Clara Research and our facility management service provider ISS, who work here at Claraspital.
off > 32
is where our employees come from. The majority of them live in Switzerland, while around 350 people, or just over a quarter, are cross-border commuters.