Working at the Claraspital

Mood Arbeiten Im Claraspital

First-class address for qualified employees: As an employee, you will be part of a highly specialised and renowned private hospital, which is also a teaching and research hospital of the University of Basel.

The Claraspital offers a wide range of medical services and specialises in various fields, including the Tumour Centre, the Clarunis University Abdominal Centre and the specific treatment centres for bowel cancer, pancreatic cancer, oesophageal cancer, breast cancer, kidney cancer and prostate cancer.

We offer our patients comprehensive care, including highly specialised surgical procedures, cardiological, pneumological, gynaecological and intensive care treatments as well as extended basic care with a 24-hour emergency and outpatient clinics.

In addition, we complete the oncological treatment chain with inpatient internal oncological rehabilitation to ensure that our patients receive the best possible care throughout the course of their treatment. Our work is based on a jointly developed culture of values that puts people at the centre - be it our patients or our team.

Our cultural criteria, such as joint cooperation, expertise and a sense of responsibility, characterise our daily actions and working methods.

  • Emmerich Thorsten Testimonial
    «"In our kitchen, we prepare a wide variety of meals for patients and staff every day. Our catering services are very important for the hospital, which is meaningful for me and my work."»
    - Thorsten Emmerich, cook
  • Kiefer Andrea Testimonial
    «"Passing on knowledge and values, accompanying a young person into professional life and opening up opportunities and prospects for them - in our case, for example, further training to become a surgical technology specialist, biomedical analyst or radiology specialist - is very satisfying."»
    - Andrea Kiefer, Head of AEMP
  • Adelmann Testimonial
    «"At Claraspital, employees have good development and career opportunities. For example, I started as a qualified nursing specialist, was a ward manager for several years, then worked as a process and application manager at the interface between IT and nursing and am now Deputy Head of Nursing and Head of Specialised Nursing."»
    - Sebastian Adelmann, Deputy Head of Nursing Services
  • Thurneysen Claudio Testimonial
    «"I appreciate the excellent interdisciplinary and interprofessional collaboration and the size of the Claraspital. Everyone knows each other, the communication channels are short and uncomplicated, which benefits the treatment of patients."»
    - Dr Claudio Thurneysen, Head Physician
    Jobskarriere Leben Basel Teaserimage

    There are many reasons in favour of this

    Working at the Claraspital

    First-class ad­dre­ss
    The Claraspital is a pri­va­tely run, high­ly spe­cia­li­sed acu­te ho­spi­tal, a tea­ching and re­se­arch ho­spi­tal of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ba­sel and a re­co­gnis­ed SIWF trai­ning cent­re.
    Our va­lu­es
    The joint­ly de­ve­lo­ped cul­tu­ral cri­te­ria "tog­e­ther - com­pe­tent - re­spon­si­ble" are ac­tively prac­tised.
    Em­ployees from 30 na­ti­ons
    You can de­ve­lop both pro­fes­sio­nal­ly and per­so­nal­ly with us.