
Emer­gen­cy ward

We are there for anyone aged 16 and over who needs immediate medical assistance - from minor injuries and illnesses to serious medical conditions.

Medizinisches Angebot Notfall Clarspital Content

In an emer­gen­cy

  • For particularly urgent and life-threatening situations, call the official emergency number 144 for help.
  • Otherwise, please contact your family doctor first.
  • If you are unable to contact them, the central emergency ward of the Claraspital is at your disposal.

The 24-hour emer­gen­cy ward at the Claraspital

In our modern, well-equipped emergency centre, an experienced medical team ensures that everyone who comes through our doors receives careful and professional care. We can offer initial treatment for sports injuries or accidents. We do not offer specialist orthopaedic care at the Claraspital, nor do we have any neurological or obstetric specialists.

Information on

Important to know


Medical training centre

Zertifizierte Weiterbildungsstätte SWIF Claraspital Zertifikat
Re­co­gnis­ed trai­ning cent­re

Contact information

How you can reach us