
Ueber Das Claraspital Gesamt Mood
By ma­king a do­na­ti­on, you are sup­porting the high qua­li­ty of our tre­at­ment and ex­ten­ded sup­port for our cur­rent and fu­tu­re pa­ti­ents. Thank you very much for hel­ping us to fur­ther im­pro­ve our tre­at­ment me­thods and to be able to of­fer our pa­ti­ents ac­com­pany­ing the­ra­pies.

Cli­ni­cal re­se­arch

Medical progress has significantly improved patients' quality of life and chances of recovery. But we don't want to stand still, we want to continue our research. After all, clinical research helps us to further improve the treatment of future patients.

Thanks to generous donations, the Claraspital is able to actively participate in or initiate clinical research programmes. At the same time, we are able to promote the further scientific training and development of our employees.

Fund for pa­ti­ents

In addition to purely medical treatment, we also try to support patients and their relatives with the psychological and social effects of a serious illness.

Psycho-oncology offers a variety of therapeutic options. In addition to psychological therapy, this also includes creative therapy options such as art and music therapy.

As creative therapeutic methods are not included in the benefits catalogue of basic insurance, your donation will give all patients and relatives access to these complementary therapies during their treatment.