Jobs and ca­reer

Jobs Pflege Mood
The­re are many rea­sons to work at Claraspital. We are high­ly spe­cia­li­sed, re­now­ned and re­co­gnis­ed as a tea­ching and re­se­arch ho­spi­tal of the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ba­sel. We also of­fer struc­tu­red fur­ther trai­ning op­por­tu­nities.

Become part of our team. We look forward to receiving your application for the current vacancies advertised.

tog­e­ther, com­pe­t­ent­ly and re­spon­si­bly

Our employees particularly appreciate the value culture and orientation at Claraspital. People take centre stage here, not only the patients, but also all employees. The "cultural criteria" of the Claraspital, developed by all employees in the hospital, show how we want to organise our daily work and cooperation: together, competently and responsibly.