Cla­r­a­Ak­tu­ell - the ma­ga­zi­ne for doc­tors

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4 times a year we in­form you in "Cla­r­a­Ak­tu­ell", our spe­cia­list ma­ga­zi­ne for doc­tors, about new me­thods, the­ra­pies and de­ve­lop­ments in our spe­cia­list are­as and in­tro­duce you to new col­leagues at the Claraspital.

Stay up to date!

ClaraAktuell No 87 - Drug-based obesity therapy: incretin mimetics herald a new era
ClaraAktuell No 86 - Benign prostatic hyperplasia: Has the knife had its day?
ClaraAktuell No 85 - Lung cancer treatment today
ClaraAktuell No 84 - New classification and new therapeutic approaches in haematology
ClaraAktuell No 83 - Pancreatic carcinoma is curable
ClaraAktuell No 82 - Evidence on the duration of antibiotic therapy
ClaraAktuell No 81 - New PET/CT examinations
ClaraAktuell No 80 - Chronic inflammatory bowel disease CED