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Mood Claraspital Fassade Verlauf

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News from the Claraspital

17 July 2024

BAZ in­si­der tip from the Hirz­brun­nen: A sweet café in the ho­spi­tal park

The Café Rosa, which is run by the Mit­te com­pa­ny and of­fers or­ga­nic-cer­ti­fied ca­te­ring, opens daily in front of the vil­la in the Claraspital park in sum­mer, wea­ther per­mit­ting.

1 July 2024

Eu­ropean Obe­si­ty Con­gre­ss co­mes to Ba­sel

More than 4000 de­le­ga­tes are ex­pec­ted at the "EASO / IFSO-EC Eu­ropean Con­gre­ss on Obe­si­ty" in 2027.

1 July 2024

BaZ re­port: "Young, spor­ty - and then bo­wel can­cer"

PD Dr Mar­co von Strauss from Clar­un­is - Uni­ver­si­ty Ab­do­mi­nal Cent­re Ba­sel, Claraspital site, is ex­ami­ning young peop­le with co­lo­rec­tal can­cer as part of a new stu­dy.

30 June 2024

BaZ re­port: "Xy­li­tol is cur­r­ent­ly harm­le­ss - su­gar is ma­king us sick"

Bet­ti­na Wöl­ner­hans­sen and Anne Chri­stin Mey­er-Ger­spach from Cla­ra For­schung AG dis­cuss the con­se­quen­ces of su­gar con­sump­ti­on in an ar­ti­cle in the Bas­ler Zei­tung.

28 June 2024

Ex­ten­si­ve ex­pe­ri­ence in ova­ri­an can­cer re­qui­red

The Claraspital Ba­sel is one of the few ho­spi­tals in Switz­er­land that is aut­ho­ri­sed to per­form ova­ri­an can­cer ope­ra­ti­ons - thanks to its ex­ten­si­ve ex­per­ti­se.

21 June 2024

Stock­holm 3 test for the ear­ly de­tec­tion of ag­gres­si­ve pro­sta­te can­cer

The Stock­hom-3 test is an ad­van­ced dia­gno­stic pro­ce­du­re that helps in the ear­ly de­tec­tion of ag­gres­si­ve pro­sta­te can­cer. The test was de­ve­lo­ped at the Ka­ro­lins­ka In­sti­tu­te in Stock­holm by can­cer epi­de­mio­lo­gist Prof Hen­rik Grön­berg and has been used suc­cess­ful­ly in Swe­den and Nor­way sin­ce 2017.


Events at the Claraspital