Se­ries of events

Mood Claraspital Fassade Verlauf

At Claraspital, we emphasise careful, caring and personal contact with patients, as well as a pleasant and good working atmosphere. Our series of events contribute to this.


We actively engage with our culture when selected guests, speakers and storytellers, for whom the terms "care in interaction", "warmth", "affection" and "humanity" are also important and who deal with them privately or professionally and in different ways, are our guests at the Clara Matinée.

The series of guests began in 2006 with Councillor of States Claude Janiak, who spoke about interpersonal relationships in Swiss politics. Other guests have included the biologist Jörg Hess, the Mayor of Lörrach Gudrun Heute-Blum, the theologian Josef Imbach, the ethicist Annemarie Pieper, Jacques Thurneysen, the ferry captain of the Münster ferry, Abbot Peter von Sury from Mariastein Abbey, the Rector of the University of Basel Antonio Loprieno and the six-time Oscar winner Arthur Cohn.

Our matinées always take place on a Sunday morning between 11.00 and 12.00. Admission is free. Afterwards we offer you an aperitif where you have the opportunity to talk to the respective guest and other interested parties.

Christ­mas park

The Claraspital Christmas Park has a long tradition. For many years, we have given the park a special theme every year. The elaborate exhibition installations are new and different every year and focus on aspects of (inter)humanity and living together in society.

The Claraspital Christmas Park has become a fixture during Advent because it invites visitors to linger and contemplate at an often hectic time of year; because it encourages reflection or remembrance; because it can be visited alone or with others.