Pa­ti­ent sa­tis­fac­tion

Claraspital Qualität Pflege Mood

Patient satisfaction

Fortunately, many patients feel that they are in good hands at the Claraspital and are very satisfied with the medical and nursing treatment, so that we have achieved a patient satisfaction rate of over 93 per cent for several years.

  • Patient Mann 2
    «Could it be that I am the most important patient at the Claraspital? Of course not, but that's exactly how I was treated. I was looked after at all times and, without exception, EVERYONE was very nice and exuded calm. The atmosphere in the whole building alone has a health-promoting effect. I can recommend the Claraspital without any ifs or buts.»
    - H.H., patient
  • Patientin Frau 2
    «Excellent human contact before and after the death of a loved one. Impeccable professionalism and the psychological support is also highly recommended. Exclusively friendly clinic staff.»
    - N.G., patient
  • Patientin Frau 1
    «I had a minor operation. I felt comfortable right from the start. From reception to the recovery room. Everyone was very friendly and courteous. Would definitely recommend the hospital to others.»
    - S.R., patient
  • Patient Mann 1
    «As a patient you feel very well looked after - nice team in all areas. This is how the quality of a hospital should be!»
    - D.B., patient
    of out­pa­ti­ents
    are sa­tis­fied with their out­pa­ti­ent pro­ce­du­re.
    of emer­gen­cy pa­ti­ents
    are sa­tis­fied with the care they re­cei­ve in our emer­gen­cy ward.
    Pa­ti­ent feed­back
    was re­cei­ved and pro­ces­sed by the qua­li­ty ma­nage­ment team in 2023.

    Feed­back for con­ti­nuous im­pro­ve­ment

    Your feedback or letters to the management or quality management are processed by our quality management team and - if not anonymous - answered. Every report, whether praise, suggestion or critical comment, is recorded, analysed, clarified and statistically evaluated.

    We also continuously survey patients digitally using standardised questionnaires about their inpatient or outpatient stay. The evaluation results show us strengths and potential for improvement. In addition, the Claraspital takes part in the national patient survey conducted by the National Association for Quality Development in Hospitals and Clinics (ANQ).