

Phy­sio­the­ra­py for can­cer

To­day's pos­si­bi­li­ties for the ear­ly de­tec­tion and tre­at­ment of can­cer have led to a si­gni­fi­cant in­crea­se in the life ex­pec­tan­cy of tho­se af­fec­ted. Can­cer is the­re­fo­re in­crea­singly re­gar­ded as a chro­nic di­se­a­se and phy­sio­the­ra­py is play­ing a grea­ter role in this con­text.

Cour­se of tre­at­ment

Surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormone therapy are effective in combating cancer, but these measures, which put a strain on the body, often lead to side effects such as a reduction in strength and stamina, fatigue and swelling of the arms or legs (lymphoedema).

  • In physiotherapy, we offer a range of treatment options to help you overcome your symptoms:
    Physiotherapy, which fulfils your individual wishes and helps you to improve your strength, endurance and mobility and reduce any pain you may be experiencing.

  • Lymphological physiotherapy, which takes care of your secondary lymphoedema and provides you with state-of-the-art treatments.

  • Physical activity for cancer patients: in collaboration with the Basel Cancer League, we offer group therapy for those affected, characterised by targeted training adapted to your needs.

  • Craniosacral therapy, whose holistic approach makes it possible, among other things, to reduce the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy and to alleviate the severity of states of exhaustion (fatigue).

Di­se­a­se pat­terns

Cancer of any kind, regardless of the stage you are in.

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