Information on music therapy
Who is the offer aimed at?
- To all inpatients and outpatients of the Claraspital
- Under certain circumstances also to relatives, loved ones and children of patients
- Participation is independent of your musical knowledge.
How does music therapy take place?
- Mainly as individual therapy
- If required also in small groups
A variety of instruments (sound bed, gong, drums, kantele, piano, etc.) are at your disposal. Music as expression - in active music therapy you play yourself and are accompanied and supported by the music therapist. The melodies, rhythms and sounds often arise from the moment. Music as an impression - in receptive music therapy you are listening and hearing. The therapist plays for you or we listen to selected music together. Everything human can be found in music. It allows us to express ourselves and resonate with feelings such as joy, happiness, sadness, anger, loneliness and much more. Stressful things are relieved, joyful things are intensified. Conversations deepen and integrate your musical experiences and allow them to become conscious.
Where does music therapy take place?
In the music therapy room or on the ward in a hospital room
The registration takes place
- by a doctor
- by the carers
- by the psychological services team
or speak to your doctor in charge or your care team.
Contact information
How you can reach us