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Vis­ceral On­co­lo­gy Cent­re



  • Templeton A.: Level 1 evidence for the early use of abiraterone in metastatic castration-naïve prostate cancer. Leading Opinions Urology (2017); 2: 9-12.
  • Schmid T. Templeton A.: Renal cell carcinoma - current treatment options. OncoMag - The Swiss Oncology Magazine (2017); 3: 20-3.
  • Baumann M., Dani S., Dietrich D., Hochstrasser A., Klingbiel D., Mark M., Riesen W., Ruhstaller T., Templeton A., Thürlimann B.: Vitamin D Levels in Swiss Breast Cancer Survivors. Swiss Med Wkly 2017
  • Tibau A., Molto C., Ocana A., Templeton A., Del Carpio L., Del Paggio J., Barnadas A., Booth C., Amir E.: Magnitude of Clinical Benefit of Cancer Drugs Approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. J Natl Cancer Inst (2017).
  • Burmeister K., Quagliata L., Andreozzi M., Eppenberger-Castori S., Matter M., Perrina V., Grobholz R., Jochum W., Horber D., Moosmann P., Lehmann F., Köberle D., Ng C., Piscuoglio S., Tornillo L., Terracciano L.: Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A Amplification in Colorectal Cancer is Associated with Reduced M1 and M2 Macrophages and Diminished PD-1-Expressing Lymphocytes. PLoS One (2017); 12(4): e0175563.
  • Fehr M., Müller J., Knitel M., Fornaro J., Horber D., Koeberle D., Cerny T., Güller U.: Early Postoperative FDG-PET-CT Imaging Results in a Relevant Upstaging in the pN2 Subgroup of Stage III Colorectal Cancer Patients. Clin Colorectal Cancer. 2017; 16(4): 343-8.
  • Ribnikar D., Goldvaser H., Ocana A., Templeton A., Seruga B., Amir E.: Reporting of Randomised Trials in Common Cancers in the Lay Media. Oncology. 2017 Nov 18.
  • Gonzalez-Conchas G., Rodriguez-Romo L., Hernandez Barajas D., Gonzalez-Guerrero J., Rodriguez-Fernandez I., Verdines-Perez A., Templeton A., Ocana A., Seruga B., Tannock I., Amir E., Vera-Badillo F.: Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Overexpression and Outcomes in Early Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review and a Meta-Analysis. Cancer Treat Rev. 2017 Oct 31; 62: 1-8.
  • Klein S., Kohler S., Krüerke D., Templeton A., Weibel A., Haraldsson E., Nahm M., Wolf U.: End-of-Life Experiences: A Survey Amongst Physicians and Nurses in a Hospital for Anthroposophically Extended Medicine. Complement Med Res. 2017 Oct 26.
  • Niraula S., Templeton A., Vera-Badillo F., Dodd A., Nugent Z., Joshua A., Tannock I.: Suppression of Bone Turnover Following Zoledronic Acid in Men with Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer. Future Science OA. 2017 Oct 20.
  • Goldvaser H., AlGorashi I., Ribnikar D., Seruga B., Templeton A., Ocana A., Amir E.: Efficacy of Extended Adjuvant Therapy with Aromatase Inhibitors in Early Breast Cancer among Common Clinicopathologically-DefinedSubgroups: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Cancer Treat Rev. 2017 Sep; 59: 46-53.
  • Diem S., Schmid S., Krapf M., Flatz L., Born D., Jochum W., Templeton A., Früh M.: Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR) and Platelet-to-Lymphocyte Ratio (PLR) as Prognostic Markers in Patients with Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) treated with Nivolumab. Lung Cancer. 2017 Sep; 111: 176-81.
  • Goldvaser H., Ribnikar D., Fazelzad R., Seruga B., Templeton A., Ocana A., Amir E.: Influence of Non-Measurable Disease on Progression-Free Survival in Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer. Cancer Treat Rev. 2017 Sep; 59: 46-53.
  • Ocana A., Nieto-Jiménez C., Pandiella A., Templeton A.: Neutrophils in Cancer: Prognostic Role and Therapeutic Strategies. Mol Cancer. 2017 Aug 15; 16(1): 137.
  • Kulkarni G., Hermanns T., Wie Y., Bhindi B., Satkunasivam R., Athanasopoulos P., Bostrom P., Kuk C., Li K., Templeton A., Sridhar S., van der Kwast T., Chung P., Bristow R., Milosevic M., Warde P., Fleshner N., Jewett M., Bashir S., Zlotta A.: A Propensity Score Analysis of Radical Cystectomy versus Bladder-Sparing Trimodal Therapy in the Setting of a Multidisciplinary Bladder Cancer Clinic. J Clin Oncol. 2017 Jul 10; 35(20): 2299-305.
  • Adam R., Diez-Gonzalez L., Ocana A., Seruga A., Amir E., Templeton A.: Prognostic Role of Telomere Length in Malignancies: A Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression. Exp Mol Pathol. 2017 May 12.
  • Barnes T., Amir E., Templeton A., Gomez Garcia S., Navarro B., Seruga B., Ocana A.: Efficacy, Safety, Tolerability and Price of Newly Approved Drugs in Solid Tumours. Cancer Treat Rev. 2017 May; 56: 1-7.
  • Tibau A., Diez-Gonzalez L., Navarro B., Templeton A., Seruga B., Pandiella A., Amir E., Ocana A.: Impact of Availability of Companion Diagnostics on Clinical Development of Anti-Cancer Drugs. Mol Diagn Ther. 2017 Feb 28.
  • Ethier J., Desautels D., Templeton A., Oza A., Amir E., Lheureux S.: Is the Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio Prognostic of Survival Outcomes in Gynecologic Cancers? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Gynecol Oncol. 2017 Feb 17.
  • Ethier J., Desautels D., Templeton A., Shah P., Amir E.: Prognostic Role of Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio in Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Breast Cancer Res. 2017 Jan 5; 19(1): 2.
  • Dearnaley D., Inge van Oort I., Templeton A.: Metastatic Prostate Cancer. In: Summary of Science of Practice - Metastatic Prostate Cancer. Published by Mirrors of Medicine eHIMS bvba, Lier, Belgium 2016: 7-34
  • Vera-Badillo F., Napoleone M., Krzyzanowska M., Alibhai S., Chan A., Ocana A., Templeton A., Seruga B., Amir E., Tannock I.: Honorary and Ghost-Authorship in Reports of Randomised Clinical Trials in Oncology Eur J Cancer. Oct 2016:66:1-8
  • Khoja L., Atenafu E., Ye Q, Templeton A., Chappell M., Hogg D., Butler M., Joshua A.: The full blood count as a biomarker of outcome and toxicity in ipilimumab treated cutaneous metastatic melanoma. Cancer Cancer Med. Oct 2016: 5(10): 2792-2799
  • Sonpavde G., Pond G. R., Templeton A., Kwon E., De Bono J.: Impact of single agent daily prednisone on outcomes in men with metastatic castrationresistant prostate cancer. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis. 27 Sep 2016
  • Theurich S., Rothschild S., Hoffmann M., Fabri M., Sommer A., Garcia-Marquez M., Thelen M., Schill C., Merki R., Schmid T., Koeberle D., Zippelius A., Baues C., Mauch C., Tigges C., Kreuter A., Borggrefe J., von Bergwelt-Baildon
    M., Schlaak M.: Local Tumour Treatment in Combination with Systemic Ipilimumab Immunotherapy Prolongs Overall Survival in Patients with Advanced Malignant Melanoma. Cancer Immunol Res. 2 Sep 2016: 4(9): 744-754
  • Hess V., Winterhalder R., von Moos R., Widmer L., Stocker P., Jermann M., Herrmann R., Koeberle D.: Capecitabine and Oxaliplatin Prior and Concurrent to Preoperative Pelvic Radiotherapy in Patients With Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: Long-Term Outcome.
    Cancer: Long-Term Outcome. Clin Colorectal Cancer. 30 Jul 2016: pii: S1533-0028(16)30115-3
  • Srikanthan A., Vera-Badillo F., Ethier J. L., Goldstein R., Templeton A. J., Ocana A., Seruga B., Amir E.: Evolution in the Eligibility Criteria of Randomised Controlled Trials for Systemic Cancer Therapies. Cancer Treatment Reviews 2016: 43: 67-73
  • Koechlin L., Zettl A., Koeberle D., von Flüe M., Bolli M.: Metastatic Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumour of the Spleen: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Case Rep Surg. 2016 Ethier J. L., Desautels D., Templeton A. J., Shah P., Amir E.: Prognostic Role of Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio in Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta- Analysis. Breast Cancer Research 2016
  • Tannock I., Amir E., Booth C. M., Niraula S., Ocana A., Seruga B., Templeton A., Vera-Badillo F.: The relevance of randomised controlled trials to clinical practice. Lancet Oncol. Dec 2016: 17(12): e560-e567
  • Matter-Walstra K., Schwenkglenks M., Betticher D., von Moos R., Dietrich D., Baertschi D., Koeberle D.: Bevacizumab Continuation Versus Treatment Holidays After First-Line Chemotherapy With Bevacizumab in Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: A Health Economic Analysis of a Randomised Phase 3 Trial (SAKK 41/06). Clin Colorectal Cancer. Dec 2016:15(4): 314-320.e2
  • Arnet I., Schacher S., Balmer E., Koeberle D., Hersberger K.: Poor adhesion of fentanyl transdermal patches may mimic end-ofdosage failure after 48 hours and prompt early patch replacement in hospitalised cancer pain patients. J Pain Res. 9 Nov 2016: 9:993-999
  • Vera-Badillo F., Marc Napoleone M., Krzyzanowska M., Alibhai S., Chan A. W., Ocana A., Seruga B., Templeton A., Amir E., Tannock I.: Bias in Reporting of Randomised Clinical Trials in Oncology. Eur J Cancer. Jul 2016: 61: 29-35
  • Zumstein V., Vinzens F., Zettl A., Heinimann K., Koeberle D., von Flüe M., Bolli M.: Systematic immunohistochemical screening for Lynch syndrome in colorectal cancer: a single centre experience of 486 patients. Swiss Med Wkly.
    6 May 2016: 146
  • Templeton A., Diez Gonzalez L., Vera-Badillo F., Tibau A., Goldstein R., Šeruga B., Srikanthan A., Pandiella A., Amir E., Ocana A.: Interaction between hormonal receptor status, age and survival in patients with BRCA1/2 germline mutations: A systematic review and metaregression. PLoS One. 5 May 2016:11(5)
  • Seruga B., Templeton A., Vera-Badillo F., Ocana A., Amir E., Tannock I.: Under-reporting of harm in clinical trials. Lancet Oncol. May 2016: 17(5): e209-219
  • Koeberle D., Dufour J., Demeter G., Li Q., Ribi K., Samaras P., Saletti P., Roth A., Horber D., Buehlmann M., Wagner A. D., Montemurro M., Lakatos G., Feilchenfeldt J., Peck-Radosavljevic M., Rauch D., Tschanz B., Bodoky G.; Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK): Sorafenib with or without everolimus in patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC): a randomised multicenter, multinational phase II trial (SAKK 77/08 and SASL 29). Ann Oncol. May 2016: 27(5): 856-861
  • Ocaña A., Pérez-Peña J., Alcaraz-Sanabria A., Sánchez-Corrales V., Templeton A., Seruga B., Pandiella A., Amir E.: In silico analyses identify gene-sets, associated with clinical outcome in ovarian cancer: role of mitotic kinases. Oncotarget. 16 Mar 2016
  • Tibau A., Ocana A., Anguera G., Seruga B., Templeton A., Barnadas A., Amir E.: Oncologic Drugs Advisory Committee Recommendations and Approval of Cancer Drugs by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. JAMA Oncol. 3 Mar 2016
  • Niraula S., Templeton A., Vera-Badillo F., Joshua A., Sridhar S., Knox J., Cheung P., Yip P., Dodd A., Nugent Z., Tannock I.: Testosterone-Guided Schedule of Androgen Deprivation Therapy as an Alternative to a Fixed Schedule in Management of Prostate Cancer. Prostate. Feb 2016: 76(2): 235-242
  • Ocana A., Díez-González L., Templeton A., Vera-Badillo F., José Escribano M., Serrano G., Sánchez-Corrales V., Seruga B., Pandiella A., Amir E.: Circulating DNA and survival in solid tumours. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. Feb 2016: 25(2): 399-406
  • Ocaña A., Pérez-Peña J., Díez-González L., Sánchez-Corrales V., Templeton A., Seruga B., Amir E., Pandiella A.: Transcriptomic analyses identify association between mitotic kinases, PDZ-binding kinase and BUB1, and clinical outcome in breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. Feb 2016: 156(1): 1-8
  • Strasser F., Blum D., von Moos R., Cathomas R., Ribi K., Aebi S., Betticher D., Hayoz S., Klingbiel D., Brauchli P., Haefner M., Mauri S., Kaasa S., Koeberle D.; Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK): The effect of real-time electronic monitoring of patient-reported symptoms and clinical syndromes in outpatient workflow of medical oncologists: E-MOSAIC, a multicenter cluster-randomised phase III study (SAKK 95/06). Ann Oncol. Feb 2016: 27(2): 324-332
  • Templeton A., Knox J. Lin X., Simantov R., Xie W., Lawrence N., Broom R., Fay A., Rini B., Donskov F.,
    Bjarnason G. A., Smoragiewicz M., Kollmannsberger C., Kanesvaran R., Alimohamed N., Hermanns T., Wells J., Amir E., Choueiri T., Heng D.: Change in neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in response to targeted therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma as a prognosticator and biomarker of efficacy. Eur Urol. 25 Feb 2016
  • Bhindi B., Hermanns T., Wei Y., Yu J., Richard P., Wettstein M., Templeton A. J., Li K., Sridhar S., Jewett M., Fleshner N., Zlotta A., Kulkarni G.: Identification of the best complete blood count-based predictors for bladder cancer outcomes in patients undergoing radical cystectomy. Br J Cancer. 19 Jan 2016 : 114(2): 207-212
  • Gautschi O., Milia J., Cabarrou B., Bluthgen M.V., Besse B., Smit E.F., Wolf J., Peters S., Früh M., Köberle D., Oulk-houir Y., Schuler M., Curioni-Fontecedro A., Huret B., Kerjouan M., Michels S., Pall G., Rothschild S., Schmid-Bindert G., Scheffler M., Veillon R., Wannesson L., Diebold J., Zalcman G., Filleron T., Mazières J.: Targeted Therapy for Patients with BRAF-Mutant Lung Cancer: Results from the European EURAF Cohort J Thorac Oncol Oct 2015: 10(10): 1451-7
  • Harms W., Geretschläger A., Cescato C., Buess M., Köberle D., Asadpour B.: Current Treatment of Isolated Locoregional Breast Cancer Recurrences. Breast Care (Basel). Aug 2015: 10(4): 265-71
  • Rajski M., Saaf A., Buess M.: BMP2 response pattern in human lung fibroblasts predicts outcome in lung adenocarcinomas. BMC Med Genomics. Apr 2015: 29; 8:16: 1-12
  • Köberle D., Betticher D.C., von Moos R., Dietrich D., Brauchli P., Baertschi D., Matter K., Winterhalder R., Borner M., Anchisi S., Moosmann P., Kollar A., Saletti P., Roth A., Frueh M., Kueng M., Popescu R.A., Schacher S., Hess V., Herrmann R.: Bevacizumab continuation versus no continuation after first-line chemotherapy plus bevacizumab in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: a randomised phase III non-inferiority trial (SAKK 41/06). Ann Oncol. Apr 2015: 26(4): 709-14
  • Bergmann L., Maute L., Heil G., Rüssel J., Weidmann E., Köberle D., Fuxius S., Weigang-Köhler K., Aulitzky W.E., Wörmann B., Hartung G., Moritz B., Edler L., Burkholder I., Scheulen M.E., Richly H.: A prospective randomised phase-II trial with gemcitabine versus gemcitabine plus sunitinib in advanced pancreatic cancer: a study of the CESAR Central European Society for Anticancer Drug Re-search-EWIV. Eur J Cancer. Jan 2015: 51(1): 27-36
    • Radiation oncology

      • Grosser K., Schulte A., Harms W.: An Electronically Configurable Checklist Programme for Quality Control of RT Treatment Planning. Radiotherapy and Oncology; Volume 123, Supplement 1, 2017 May; S563.
      • Herraiz Lablanca M., Paul S., Chiesa M., Grosser K., Harms W.: Evaluation of an Autosegmentation Software for Definition of Organs at Risk in Radiotherapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology; Volume 123, Supplement 1, 2017 May; S554.
      • Krug D., Baumann R., Budach W., Dunst J., Feyer P., Fietkau R., Haase W., Harms W., Piroth M., Sautter-Bihl M., Sedlmayer F., Souchon R., Wenz F., Sauer R.; Breast cancer expert panel of the German Society of Radiation Oncology (DEGRO): Current Controversies in Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer. Radiat Oncol. 2017 Jan 23; 12(1): 25.
      • Harms, W., Budach, W., Dunst, J. et al: DEGRO practical guidelines for radiotherapy of breast cancer VI: therapy of locoregional breast cancer recurrences. Strahlenther Onkol 2016: 192: 199-208
      • Harms W., Geretschläger A., Cescato C., Buess M., Köberle D., Asadpour B.: Current Treatment of Isolated Locoregional Breast Cancer Recurrences. Breast Care (Basel). Aug 2015: 10(4): 265-71
      • Asadpour B., Harms W.: From adjuvant to neoadjuvant radio/radiochemotherapy: Multimodal therapy of rectal cancer. InFo Oncology & Haematology. 2015: 8: 1-6
      • Budach W., Matuschek C., Bölke E., Dunst J., Feyer P., Fietkau R., Haase W., Harms W., Piroth M.D., Sautter-Bihl M.L., Sedlmayer F., Souchon R., Wenz F., Sauer R.: Breast Cancer Expert Panel of German Society of Radiation Oncology (DEGRO). DEGRO practical guidelines for radiotherapy of breast cancer V: Therapy for locally advanced and inflammatory breast cancer, as well as local therapy in cases with synchronous distant metastases. Strahlenther Onkol 2015: 191: 623-33
      • Rochet N., Lindel K., Katayama S., Schubert K., Herfarth K., Schneeweiss A., Sohn C., Harms W., Debus J.: Intensity-modulated whole abdomen irradiation following adjuvant carboplatin/taxane chemotherapy for FIGO stage III ovarian cancer: four-year outcomes. Strahlenther Onkol. 2015: 191: 582-9

      Internal medicine, endocrinology with nutrition centre

      • Peterli R., Wölnerhanssen B., Vetter D., Nett P., Gass M., Borbély Y., Peters T., Schiesser M., Schultes B., Beglinger C., Drewe J., Bueter M.: Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Versus Roux-Y-Gastric Bypass for Morbid Obesity-3-Year Outcomes of the Prospective Randomised Swiss Multicenter Bypass Or Sleeve Study (SM-BOSS). Ann Surg. 2017 Mar; 265(3): 466-73.
      • Gillis C., Roque P.S., Bläss J., Urwyler A., Schepperle H., Kunz G., Peters T., Schricker T., Wykes L., Kopp Lugli A.: High-Dose Amino Acid Administration Achieves an Anabolic Response in Type 2 Diabetic Patients that Is Independent of Glycaemic Control: A Randomised Clinical Trial. Clin Nutr. 2017 May 3; pii: S0261-5614(17)30155-3.
      • Peters T.: Fructose beneficial or harmful: always a question of dose. Practice 2016: 105(13): 1-1
      • Schneider R., Gass J., Kern B., Peters T., Slawik M., Gebhart M., Peterli R.: Linear compared to circular stapler anastomosis in laparoscopic Roux-Y gastric bypass leads to comparable weight loss with fewer complications: a matched pair study. Langenbecks Arch Surg May 2016 (401): 307-313
      • Wölnerhanssen B., Meyer-Gerspach A., Peters T., Beglinger C., Peterli R.: Incretin effects, gastric emptying and insulin responses to low oral glucose loads in patients after gastric bypass and lean and obese controls. Surg Obes Relat Dis. Aug 2016: 12(7): 1320-1327
      • Wehrum T., Hagenlocher P., Lodemann T., Vach W., Dragonu I., Hennemuth A., von Zur Mühlen C., Stuplich J., Ngo T., Harloff A.: Age dependence of pulmonary artery blood flow measured by 4D flow cardiovascular magnetic resonance: results of a populationbased study. J Cardiovasc Magn Reson. 31 May 2016: 18(1)31
      • Gebhart M.: Practice-relevant problems and complications after bariatric surgery.
        Minireview. PRAXIS. Dec 2015: 104: 1379-1385
      • Wölnerhanssen B., Meyer-Gerspach A., Peters T., Beglinger C., Peterli R.: Incretin effects, gastric emptying and insulin responses to low oral glucose loads in patients after gastric bypass and lean and obese controls. Surg Obes Relat Dis. Nov 2015: in press
      • Peters T.: Nutrition in chronic inflammatory bowel disease: Falk Gastro-Kolleg Darm: 9/2015
      • Schneider J., Peterli R., Gass M., Slawik M., Peters T., Wölnerhanssen B.K.: Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass lead to equal changes in body composition and energy metabolism 17 months postoperatively: a prospective randomized trial. Surg Obes Relat Dis. Jul 2015: in press
      • Lindinger P., Christe M., Eberle A., Kern B., Peterli R., Peters T., Jayawardene K., Fearnley I., Walker J.: Important mitochondrial proteins in human omental adipose tissue show reduced expression in obesity. Data Brief. Apr 2015: 23(4): 40-3 J Proteomics. Jun 2015: 124: 79-87

      Abdominal centre

      • Peterli R., Wölnerhanssen B., Peters T., Vetter D., Kröll D., Borbély Y., Schultes B., Beglinger C., Drewe J., Schiesser M., Nett P., Bueter, M.: Effect of Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy vs. Laparoscopic Rouxen-Y Gastric Bypass on Weight Loss in Patients with Morbid Obesity. The SM-BOSS Randomised Clinical Trial. JAMA, accepted for publication 12/2017.
      • Dainty A., Hunt M., Holtham E., Kinsella P., Timmons S., Fox M., Callaghan P.: The Feasibility of Nurse Delivered, Low-Intensity Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Gastrointestinal Nursing (2017); 15(9).
      • Ang D., Fox M.: Utility of High- Resolution Esophageal Manometry and Ambulatory pH-Impedance Measurement in the Diagnosis of Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease and Hiatus Hernia In: Hiatal Hernia Surgery - an Evidence-Based Approach. 1st Edition 2017 Ed.: Memon M.
      • Ang D., Fox M.: Achalasia and Esophageal Outlet Obstruction. In: Gastrointestinal Motility Disorders: A Point-of-Care Clinical Guide, 1st Edition 2017. ed: Shaker R., Bardan S.
      • Roman S., Gyawali C., Savarino E., Yadlapati R., Zerbib F., Wu J., Vela M., Tutuian R., Tatum R., Sifrim D., Keller J., Fox M., Pandolfino J., Bredenoord A.: Ambulatory Reflux Monitoring for Diagnosis of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: Update of the Porto Consensus and Recommendations from an International Consensus Group. Neurogastroenterol Motil. (2017).Heinrich H., Fox M.: Diagnostic and Treatment Approaches: Functional Anorectal Disorders. In: Functional GI Disorders: A biopsychosocial treatment approach, 1st Edition 2017. ed: Knowles S., Stern J.,
        Hebbard G.
      • Ang D., Fox M.: Utility of High- Resolution Esophageal Manometry and Ambulatory pH-Impedance Measurement in the Diagnosis of Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease and Hiatus Hernia. In: Hiatal Hernia Surgery - an Evidence-Based Approach, 1st Edition 2017.
      • Fox M., Halama M., Vavricka S.: Gastroesophageal reflux disease: What to do if PPIs are not tolerated or not desired? Alginates in the step-down process and as monotherapy. GP Practice (2017).
      • Fox M., Halama M., Vavricka S.: Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: What to do when PPIs are not effective? Add-on therapy with alginates. GP Practice (2017).
      • Corsetti M., Fox M.: Recent Advances in Understanding and Management of Dyspepsia Faculty of 1000 (2017); in publication. Fox M., Halama M., Vavricka S.: Gastroesophageal reflux disease: Diagnostic and therapeutic options in general practice (2017).
      • Bluemel S., Menne D., Milos G., Goetze O., Fried M., Schwizer W., Fox M., Steingoetter A.: Relationship of Body Weight with Gastrointestinal Motor and Sensory Function: Studies in Anorexia Nervosa and Obesity. BMC Gastroenterol. (2017); 17(1): 4.
      • Gyawali C., Roman S., Bredenoord A., Fox M., Keller J., Pandolfino J., Sifrim D., Tatum R., Yadlapati R., Savarino E.; International GERD Consensus Working Group: Classification of Esophageal Motor Findings in Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: Conclusions from an Inter national Consensus Group. Neuro gastroenterol Motil. 2017 Dec; 29(12).
      • Savarino E., Bredenoord A., Fox M., Pandolfino J., Roman S., Gyawali C.; International Working Group for Disorders of Gastrointestinal Motility and Function. Expert consensus document: Advances in the Physiological Assessment and Diagnosis of GERD. Nat Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017 Nov; 14(11): 665-76.
      • Steinemann D., Müller P., Billeter A., Bruckner T., Ulrich A., Müller-Stich B.: Surgery is Essential in Squamous Cell Cancer of the Rectum. Langenbecks Arch Surg. 2017 Nov; 402(7): 1055-62. Savarino E., Bredenoord A., Fox M., Pandolfino J., Roman S., Gyawali C., International Working Group for Disorders of Gastrointestinal Motility and Function: Current Concepts on Mechanisms and Evaluation of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: a Consensus Statement. Nat. rev. gastroenterol. Hepatol. 2017 Nov; 14(11): 665-76.
      • Kahrilas P., Bredenoord A., Fox M., Gyawali C., Roman S., Smout A., Pandolfino J., International Working Group for Disorders of Gastrointestinal Motility and Function: Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of Esophageal Motility Disorders in the Era of High-Resolution Manometry. Nat. rev. gastroenterol. Hepatol. 2017; 2017 Nov; 14(11): 677-88.
      • Misselwitz B., Fox M.: What is Normal and Abnormal in Lactose Digestion? Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017 Oct; 2(10): 696-7.
      • Müller P., Steinemann D., Nickel F., Chinczewski L., Müller-Stich B., Linke G., Z'graggen K.: Transduo -denal-Transpapillary Endopancreatic Surgery with a Rigid Resectoscope: Experiments on Ex Vivo, In Vivo Animal Models and Human Cadavers. Surg Endosc. 2017 Oct; 31(10): 4131-5.
      • Steinemann D.: Abdominal Wall Expanding System Obviates the Need for Lateral Release in Giant Incisional Hernia and Laparostoma. Surg Innov. 2017 Oct; 24(5): 455-61.
      • Vinzens F., Kilchenmann A., Zumstein V., Slawik M., Gebhart M., Peterli R.: Long-Term Outcome of Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Banding (LAGB): Results of a Swiss Single-Centre Study of 405 Patients with up to 18 Years' Follow-up. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2017 Aug; 13(8): 1313-9. Eucker D., Zerz A.,
      • Roman S., Gyawali C., Savarino E., Yadlapati R., Zerbib F., Wu J., Vela M., Tutuian R., Tatum R., Sifrim D., Keller J., Fox M., Pandolfino J., Bredenoord A.; GERD consensus group: Ambulatory Reflux Monitoring for Diagnosis of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease: Update of the Porto Consensus and Recommendations from an International Consensus Group. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2017 Oct; 29(10): 1-15.
      • Ang D., Misselwitz B., Hollenstein M., Knowles K., Wright J., Tucker E., Sweis R., Fox M.: Diagnostic Yield of High-Resolution Manometry with a Solid Test Meal for Clinically Relevant, Symptomatic Oesophageal Motility Disorders: Serial Diagnostic Study. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017 Sep; 2(9): 654-61.
      • Hollenstein M., Thwaites P., Bütikofer S., Heinrich H., Sauter M., Ulmer I., Pohl D., Ang D., Eberli D., Schwizer W., Fried M., Distler O., Fox M., Misselwitz B.: Pharyngeal Swallowing and Esophageal Motility During a Solid Test Meal Assessed by High-Resolution Manometry in Healthy Volunteers and Patients with Major Motility Disorders. Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2017 Sep; 2(9): 644-53.
      • Sweis R., Heinrich H., Fox M.: Variation in High-Resolution Manometry Methodology in Clinical Practice: Results from an International Survey. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2017 Sep 25.
      • Sauter M., Vavricka S., Keilholz G., Heinrich H., Winder T., Kranzbühler H., Lombriser N., Misselwitz B.: Surveillance of Anal Carcinoma after Radiochemotherapy: A Retrospective Analysis of 80 Patients. Radiation Oncol. 2017 Aug; 193(8): 639-47.
      • Wölnerhanssen B., Moran A., Burdyga G., Meyer-Gerspach A., Peterli R., Manz M., Thumshirn M., Daly K., Beglinger C., Shirazi-Beechey S.: Deregulation of Transcription Factors Control ling Intestinal Epithelial Cell Differentiation; A Predisposing Factor for Reduced Enteroendocrine Cell Number in Morbidly Obese Individuals. Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 15; 7(1): 8174.
      • Steinemann D., Zerz A., Müller P., Sauer P., Schaible A., Lasitschka F., Schwarz A., Müller-Stich B., Linke G.: Laparoscopic Transgastric Circumferential Stapler-Assisted vs. Endoscopic Esophageal Mucosectomy in a Porcine Model. Endoscopy. 2017 Jul; 49(7): 668-74. Müller P., Senft J., Gath P., Steinemann D., Nickel F., Billeter A., Müller-Stich B., Linke G.: Transrectal Rigid-Hybrid NOTES Cholecystectomy Can Be Performed without Peritoneal Contamination: a Controlled Porcine Survival Study. Surg Endosc. 2017 Aug 10.
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