
Vis­ceral sur­gery

Our ser­vices

Here you will find an over­view of the ser­vices pro­vi­ded by Clar­un­is Vis­ceral Sur­gery at Claraspital.

Cut­ting-edge me­di­ci­ne in the re­gi­on

Clarunis performs highly specialised procedures for which it is scientifically proven that hospitals and surgeons who perform these procedures frequently have a lower complication rate and better long-term results at the location with the greater experience.

Highly specialised visceral surgery includes

  • Removal of the oesophagus for oesophageal cancer
  • Partial or complete removal of the pancreas in the case of carcinoma/inflammation
  • Partial or complete removal of the rectum, especially in the case of tumours
  • Surgery on the liver with removal of tumours or metastases
  • Complex bariatric surgery for morbid obesity

Clarunis provides highly specialised oesophageal, rectal, pancreatic and bariatric surgery at the Claraspital.

Re­fe­rence cent­re for high­ly spe­cia­li­sed mi­ni­mal­ly in­va­si­ve da Vin­ci Xi® vis­ceral sur­gery

Clarunis uses da Vinci Xi® for robot-assisted minimally invasive surgery. The da Vinci Xi® robot is primarily used for complex operations such as oesophagectomy, where space is limited, for example in the small pelvis, and for obese patients.

Thanks to its expertise and high case numbers, the Claraspital has been named a reference centre for highly specialised minimally invasive da Vinci Xi® visceral surgery: Manufacturer Intuitive Surgical sends participants in its da Vinci® Technology Training Programme to Claraspital for introductory and advanced training. The Claraspital is the first and only da Vinci Xi® reference centre in Switzerland and one of the few centres in Europe.