Certified center

Her­nia cent­re

The Hernia Centre offers patients a wide range of treatments, from outpatient inguinal hernia surgery to complex abdominal wall reconstruction.

Medizinisches Angebot Hernienzentrum 2 Clarunis Content

Hernias or "hernias" are caused by weak points in the connective tissue and muscular abdominal wall. The most common types are inguinal hernias, femoral hernias, incisional hernias and umbilical hernias. Through the so-called hernia gap, parts of the intestine in particular can protrude under the skin. If an incarceration occurs, there is a risk that the contents of the hernia will die and emergency surgery will be required. Complex cases are discussed at the hernia board to find the optimal treatment.


Quality-assured hernia surgery

Hernienzentrum Clarunis
Her­nia cent­re - ac­credi­ted by the Ger­man Her­nia So­cie­ty


Medical training centre

Zertifizierte Weiterbildungsstätte SWIF Claraspital Zertifikat
Re­co­gnis­ed trai­ning cent­re

Contact information

How you can reach us

Patient brochures and downloads

Regioaktuell: the Clarunis Hernia Centre
Complete Claraspital brochure