Re­fe­rence cent­re for ba­ria­tric and me­ta­bo­lic sur­gery

Morbid obesity can lead to various serious secondary diseases.

Medizinisches Angebot Viszeralchirurgie Clarunis Content

Consequential diseases such as diabetes (diabetes), lipometabolic disorders (high blood fat levels), high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, joint damage, gallstones, cancer, as well as psychological and social problems can be successfully treated or prevented from developing through sustainable weight reduction.

Re­fe­rence cent­re for ba­ria­tric and me­ta­bo­lic sur­gery

The Claraspital Bariatric Centre has been inspected as a reference centre, making it the second hospital in Switzerland to be audited on site by the Swiss Society for the Study of Morbid Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (SMOB). The status of "Reference Centre for Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery" is the highest accolade in this field in Switzerland and requires the SMOB to fulfil a comprehensive catalogue of requirements, which includes

  • The interdisciplinary composition of the treating team
  • A sufficient number of patients treated (case numbers)
  • Ability to perform highly complex revision procedures as well as routine bariatric procedures on multimorbid patients


Reference centre for bariatric and metabolic surgery

Bariatriezentrum Claraspital Zertifikate
Vi­si­ted by the Swi­ss So­cie­ty for the Stu­dy off Mor­bid Obe­si­ty and Me­ta­bo­lic Dis­or­ders

Cut­ting-edge me­di­ci­ne in the re­gi­on

Highly specialised medicine refers to areas that are characterised by their rarity, high innovation potential, high personnel or technical expenditure or complex treatment procedures. With Clarunis, patients living in the Northwestern Switzerland region can count on a high-quality and comprehensive range of medical services close to home.

Highly specialised visceral surgery also includes complex bariatric surgery for morbid obesity. The Swiss decision-making body for highly specialised medicine (HSM) has awarded Claraspital the service mandate for complex bariatric surgery, among other things. Around 100 such complex bariatric operations are performed at the Claraspital every year.

Cour­se of tre­at­ment

The Claraspital Endocrinology and Nutrition Centre offers assessment and treatment of overweight/obesity. At the University Abdominal Centre Basel Clarunis, you will be informed about possible surgical treatment of morbid obesity during consultation hours.

Treatment is subject to strict quality criteria. The Clarunis site at Claraspital is a reference centre and Claraspital also fulfils the criteria of a European "centre of excellence". Complex elective revision operations are performed exclusively at the Claraspital.

Your GP will register you at one of the centres and you will receive a questionnaire, which we ask you to complete and return to us. As soon as this has arrived at the centre, you will receive a request for an initial consultation. The metabolic and nutritional specialists, the dieticians, the psychiatrists or psychologists with experience in eating disorders and the surgeons will be involved in the decision as to whether one of the following operations is suitable for you.

Brochures and downloads

Additional exercise programmes for the overweight Claraspital