
En­docri­no­lo­gy with nut­ri­ti­on cent­re

We offer many conservative treatment methods as well as bariatric-metabolic surgery at the Claraspital's Endocrinology and Nutrition Centre.

Medizinisches Angebot Endokrinologie Clarspital Content (1)

In endocrinology with a nutrition centre, we offer many conservative treatment methods for endocrinological diseases such as obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, hormonal diseases and metabolic and nutritional disorders, as well as bariatric-metabolic surgery.

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Basel News Article Nutrition Centre
Complete Claraspital brochure
Everything you need to know about your stay - Claraspital patient brochure for those with general health insurance
Everything you need to know about your stay - Patient brochure for patients with supplementary insurance Claraspital