
St Cla­ra Re­se­arch

Me­ta­bo­lic re­se­arch / ga­stro­en­te­ro­lo­gi­cal re­se­arch

One fo­cus of St Cla­ra's re­se­arch is obe­si­ty, dia­be­tes and me­ta­bo­li­sm re­se­arch.

Weight-reducing (= bariatric) surgery is the most effective treatment for massive obesity today. In addition to weight loss, there are positive metabolic changes, which are accompanied by an improvement in concomitant and secondary diseases such as diabetes, blood lipid disorders and high blood pressure. Understanding the mechanisms that trigger these positive metabolic changes is an important goal of obesity and diabetes research.

In the field of gastroenterology, new developments are being made in the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. Clinical research projects are essential in order to investigate and test these new therapeutic approaches.

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