
St Cla­ra Re­se­arch


St. Cla­ra Re­se­arch is open to coope­ra­ti­on and main­tains clo­se part­nerships with va­rious or­ga­ni­sa­ti­ons wi­thin its net­work.

In order to conduct successful and sustainable cutting-edge medical research and thus contribute to the improvement of therapies, experts from many fields are needed. Interdisciplinary, national and supranational co-operation and networks are needed in a complex world. Links with universities, national and international research networks and project-related relationships with industry are crucial to the success of highly specialised medicine.

Sci­en­ti­fic net­wor­ks

Medizinisches Angebot Forschung Claraspital Teaser

Cli­ni­cal re­se­arch in the Clar­un­is net­work

The surgical clinics in the extended north-west of Switzerland have been working together for many years.

With the founding of Clarunis - University Abdominal Centre Basel, the clinic heads of the formed core network have decided to work on clinical research, which is promising within the network, as a third common pillar. Regular network meetings are held. The exchange between the experts involved is of great importance for the Clarunis network and the further development of visceral surgery in north-west Switzerland.

  • Clarunis, Prof Dr med Beat Müller
  • Lucerne Cantonal Hospital (LUKS), Prof. Martin Bolli, MD
  • Biel Hospital Centre (SZB), Prof. Carsten Th. Viehl, MD
  • Aarau Cantonal Hospital (KSA), Prof. Mark Hartel, MD
  • Lindenhof Hospital, Prof. Mathias Worni, MD
  • Upper Valais Hospital Centre (SZO), Dr Thomas Somon, MD
  • St Anna Clinic Lucerne, Prof Markus von Flüe, MD
  • Olten Cantonal Hospital, Prof. Uli Dietz, MD
  • Limmattal Hospital Schlieren, Prof. Urs Zingg, MD
  • Basel-Land Cantonal Hospital (KSBL) Liestal, Prof. Robert Rosenberg, MD