Certified center

Bre­ast cent­re

Our ser­vices

Here you will find an over­view of the ser­vices of the cer­ti­fied bre­ast cent­re at the Claraspital.

Ho­li­stic care and tre­at­ment

You need to be able to trust doctors and carers during an assessment and treatment. This is easier if you have the same contact person throughout the entire treatment period and receive competent, holistic treatment and respectful care. This is precisely one of the strengths of the breast centre team at the Claraspital. The proven specialists dedicate their expertise to the complex medical task of breast cancer treatment.

The team of experts at the Claraspital Breast Centre offer affected women the best possible support during the assessment, treatment and healing process. A Breast and Cancer Care Nurse accompanies the woman throughout the entire process, gives advice, coordinates appointments, helps with questions and is always there for the woman.

Contact information

How you can reach us

Breast centre

Our telephone hours are as follows:

Mon-Fri 08.00-17.00

Information for referring physicians
Assignments and registration

Our telephone hours are as follows:

Mon-Fri 08.00-12.00, 13.30-17.00