Certified center

Bre­ast cent­re

The bre­ast cent­re team

At Cla­ra­spi­tal's cer­ti­fied bre­ast cent­re, an in­ter­di­sci­pli­nary team of ex­perts will look af­ter you and sup­port you at every sta­ge of your tre­at­ment and re­co­very pro­ce­ss.

Your contact persons

Breast surgery/gynaecology

Your contact persons

Breast Care

Your contact persons


Your contact persons

Medical oncology

Your contact persons

Nuclear medicine

Your contact persons


Your contact persons

In physiotherapy

Your contact persons


Your contact persons

Catholic hospital chaplaincy

Your contact persons

Ref. hospital chaplaincy

Your contact persons

Social service

Your contact persons

Palliative care

Ex­ter­nal con­ta­ct per­sons Bre­ast Cent­re

Viollier AG - Pathology
PD Dr med. A. Zettl
T +41 61 486 11 11

University Hospital Basel
Medical Genetics
Prof. Dr med. K. Heinimann
T +41 61 265 25 25

Tavola Rosa self-help group

Self-help groups - Krebsliga beider Basel
T +41 61 319 99 88