Zertifiziertes Zentrum

Pel­vic floor cent­re

Di­sea­ses of the anus

Di­sea­ses of the anus such as ha­emor­rhoids, anal fis­su­res and anal fistu­las are very com­mon. Alt­hough they are be­nign con­di­ti­ons, they have a con­si­der­a­b­le im­pact on qua­li­ty of life.

The rectum, also known as the rectum, is the last part of the digestive tract and measures around 16 centimetres. Rectal diseases are diseases of the rectum and anus. Proctology deals with the diagnosis and treatment, both conservative and surgical, of this organ system.


The symptoms are often uncharacteristic. Annoying oozing (wet anus) and itching, soreness and burning during bowel movements, pain and bleeding, pressure in the perineum and the feeling of incomplete defecation, occasionally a permanent urge to defecate are the most common indications of a disease. The symptoms change, sometimes intensely and then subside again.


Many diseases in the area of the anus and rectum can initially be treated conservatively with medication or local ointments after an exact diagnosis has been made.

If a surgical procedure is necessary, it is usually performed during a short hospital stay (2-4 days), although some procedures are also performed on an outpatient basis. Whether the procedure is performed under anaesthesia or spinal anaesthesia is discussed individually between the patient, surgeon and anaesthetist. Minor operations can also be performed under local anaesthetic.