Zertifiziertes Zentrum

Pel­vic floor cent­re

The pel­vic floor cent­re team

At the Cla­ra­spi­tal's in­ter­di­sci­pli­nary pel­vic floor cent­re, an in­ter­di­sci­pli­nary team of ex­perts will look af­ter you and sup­port you at every sta­ge of your tre­at­ment and he­aling pro­ce­ss. Spe­cia­li­sts in co­loproc­to­lo­gi­cal sur­gery, ga­stro­en­te­ro­lo­gy, uro­gyna­e­co­lo­gy, uro­lo­gy and phy­sio­the­ra­py work hand in hand at the Pel­vic Floor Cent­re. In the con­sul­ta­ti­on hours of the Pel­vic Floor Cent­re, our spe­cia­li­sts will ad­vi­se you on the ne­cess­ary in­ve­sti­ga­ti­ons and tre­at­ment op­ti­ons. The op­ti­mal the­ra­py of­ten de­pends on the le­vel of suf­fe­ring and va­ries from per­son to per­son.

Your contact persons

In an interdisciplinary team