Zertifiziertes Zentrum

Pel­vic floor cent­re

Di­sea­ses of the pel­vic floor

The pelvic floor is made up of connective tissue, smooth and striated muscles, blood vessels and nerves. The bladder, uterus and rectum "rest" on it.

The pelvic floor supports these organs and helps them to function properly. Pregnancy, childbirth, heavy physical labour and ageing processes lead to changes in the anatomy and function, which can cause a variety of complaints.

In our consultation hourswe clarify and treat

  • Urinary bladder dysfunction, urinary incontinence:
    • Stress incontinence: loss of urine when coughing, sneezing and doing sport
    • Overactive bladder (irritable bladder): frequent urination, small portions of urine, urge to go to the toilet frequently during the night (more than once).
    • Difficult bladder emptying: residual urine remains in the bladder, weaker urine stream, bladder infections. For example, bladder prolapse with kinking of the urethra.
  • Prolapse of the bladder, vagina, uterus or rectum as a result of pelvic floor weakness:
    • Foreign body sensation, leakage of tissue from the vagina, pressure and pain in the lower abdomen, difficulty passing urine and faeces.