Certified center

Bre­ast cent­re

Bre­ast and Can­cer Care coun­sel­ling

Dia­gno­sis, tre­at­ment and care at the Claraspital Bre­ast Cent­re are al­ways tailo­red to the in­di­vi­du­al pa­ti­ent and dis­cus­sed with her and her fa­mily. The first step is a ca­re­ful as­sess­ment by me­ans of a phy­si­cal ex­ami­na­ti­on and ima­ging.
Medizinisches Angebot Gynäkologie Breast Care Nurse Claraspital Content (1)

The diagnosis of cancer often triggers uncertainty and fear in affected women and their relatives. A complex and extensive treatment process begins. Many questions arise and everyday life suddenly looks very different. This gives rise to a need for information and support, for which Breast and Cancer Care at the Claraspital will help you.

Con­ti­nuous sup­port from the Bre­ast and Can­cer Care Nur­se

We offer women with cancer and their relatives specialised care advice. A specialist (Breast and Cancer Care Nurse) is available for this purpose. The Breast and Cancer Care Nurse will support you and your relatives at every stage of the disease. She is your point of contact from the time of diagnosis, during treatment and after your hospitalisation.

Our offer:

  • Contact person for a wide range of questions arising from the diagnosis of cancer
  • Continuous information and counselling
  • Clarification of unanswered questions about the diagnostic and treatment process
  • Support in dealing with changes in body image
  • Psychosocial support and help in coping with the disease
  • Information on support services and aids
  • Referral to other services, e.g. psycho-oncology, counselling, etc.

Contact information

How you can reach us

Breast centre

Our telephone hours are as follows:

Mon-Fri 08.00-17.00

Information for referring physicians
Assignments and registration

Our telephone hours are as follows:

Mon-Fri 08.00-12.00, 13.30-17.00