The Claraspital has its own specialised palliative care ward for patients in complex or unstable palliative illness situations.

Palliative care encompasses the care and treatment of people with incurable, life-threatening and/or chronically progressive illnesses. Its focus is on the time when it is no longer considered possible to cure the illness and is no longer a primary goal.
In complex or unstable illness situations, in-depth expertise is required. This treatment is referred to as "specialised palliative care" and can also be provided on an outpatient or inpatient basis.
- The palliative care ward at the Claraspital is an independent department for "Specialised Palliative Care".
- It has a total of 8 beds in single and double rooms as well as a cosily furnished multifunctional room.
- Relatives have the option of eating on the ward and staying overnight in the patient's room.
- Visiting times depend on the needs of the patient.
Palliative care
The term "palliative care" is made up of two words of different origins: the Latin "pallium" ("cloak" or "wide cloak") and "palliare" ("to alleviate"), and the English "care", which means "treatment", "care", "nurturing", "care" or "attentiveness".

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