

Cli­ni­cal-phar­maceu­ti­cal ser­vices

Cli­ni­cal-phar­maceu­ti­cal ser­vices are among the main are­as of re­spon­si­bi­li­ty of the ho­spi­tal phar­macy.

Quality, drug and patient safety as well as compliance with legal regulations when handling medicines are ensured through close interdisciplinary cooperation and regular ward inspections.

The central activities of Clinical Pharmaceutical Services are made up of Pharmaceutical Ward Management and the medication guideline process. Pharmaceutical Ward Management ensures that the pharmacy staff look after and supply the decentralised department-specific medication stores on the wards and special areas as well as the external rehabilitation department.

As part of the medication guideline process, medicines are prepared for specific patients by pharmacy staff in daily dispensers and then checked by nursing staff using the dual control principle. The focus here is on the best possible and adequate supply of medicines for each individual patient in the interests of patient safety. The medication guideline process therefore includes the procurement of medicines, the clinical-pharmaceutical review of prescriptions and the forwarding of clinically relevant information on the handling and use of medicines to doctors and nursing staff.

The clinical-pharmaceutical consultations for patient-specific drug-related issues such as interactions, compatibilities, adverse drug reactions and recommendations for evidence-based therapy selection also contribute to the drug therapy safety aimed for at the Claraspital.

Furthermore, process optimisations are continuously developed and implemented in close interdisciplinary cooperation and internal hospital recommendations, guidelines and aids for the use, compatibility and preparation of medicines are drawn up.

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