

The Claraspital's in-house pharmacy covers the supply of medication from A to Z, supports doctors and nursing staff in clinical pharmaceutical processes and produces cytostatic therapies for oncological patients on site.

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The hospital pharmacy at the Claraspital covers a wide range of activities throughout the entire medication process with the aim of ensuring that medicines are used appropriately, safely and economically in accordance with guidelines. The main areas of activity are divided into the specialist areas of drug supply, clinical pharmaceutical services and cytostatics production.

In all areas, this includes activities in interdisciplinary committees such as chairing the Drugs Commission or participating in the Nutrition, Hygiene, Quality and CIRS Commission or taking part in patient-specific case discussions in oncology or on ward rounds.

Strub Henz Petra
«We make an important contribution to the high-quality, safe and smooth treatment of our patients."»
- Petra Strub Henz, Head of Pharmacy
Medizinisches Angebot Apotheke 2 Clarspital Content
Cy­to­sta­tic the­ra­pies
are pro­du­ced an­nu­al­ly in the Claraspital phar­macy.
Me­di­ca­ti­on re­qui­re­ments
are checked an­nu­al­ly, pro­ces­sed and made avail­ab­le to the de­part­ments.
of me­di­cal pre­scrip­ti­ons are car­ri­ed out an­nu­al­ly.

In-house pro­duc­tion of cy­to­sta­tic the­ra­pies

Around 16,000 cytostatic therapies (medicines for chemotherapy) are produced in the Claraspital pharmacy every year. These are produced for patients suffering from cancer at the Claraspital and the Fricktal Health Centre, with which the Claraspital maintains a partnership. These are prepared individually for patients immediately before administration, dosed according to body size and weight, blood count, kidney and liver function, so that infusions and injections can be adapted precisely to the patient's needs to ensure optimal therapy.

Seamless collaboration with the prescribing doctors, production in the pharmacy and administration by the nursing staff is another advantage of in-house production. For production, the pharmacy has three cytostatic safety cabinets (laminar air flow) in two clean rooms for aseptic production (free of particles, viruses and bacteria). Special protective measures are in place for the manufacturing staff, as the substances not only have a tumour-specific effect, but can also attack healthy cells. Standardised work processes help to ensure a high level of quality and safety for patients, employees and, last but not least, the environment.

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