
Ge­ne­ral in­ter­nal me­di­ci­ne

In­ter­nal dia­gno­stics and the­ra­py

Ho­spi­tals such as the Claraspital with its spe­cia­li­sed in­ter­nal me­di­ci­ne de­part­ment are ide­al­ly equip­ped for in­ter­nal dia­gno­stics.

Patients with unclear findings can therefore be referred to hospital for clarification/monitoring for two or three days.

Cour­se of tre­at­ment

The patient is admitted directly to the specialist department. The result should be a well-founded diagnosis, a proposal for reprioritising the treatment plan and, if necessary, an adaptation of the therapy with the aim of maintaining or restoring the quality of life of these patients. After clarification in hospital
the patient returns to the GP practice for further treatment.

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