
Ge­ne­ral in­ter­nal me­di­ci­ne

General internal medicine treats patients with diseases from the entire field of internal medicine.

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General Internal Medicine at the Claraspital specialises in the treatment of complex clinical pictures. There is also a focus on the diagnosis of unclear conditions and the treatment of patients who cannot be assigned to an internal medicine speciality.

The experienced infectiology team also clarifies unclear inflammatory reactions. Last but not least, patients benefit from the interdisciplinary collaboration with specialists in the Tumour and Abdominal Centre, Cardiology, Pneumology and Gynaecology.


Medical training centre

Zertifizierte Weiterbildungsstätte SWIF Claraspital Zertifikat
Re­co­gnis­ed trai­ning cent­re

Contact information

How you can reach us

Patient brochures and downloads

Everything you need to know about your stay - Claraspital patient brochure for those with general health insurance
Everything you need to know about your stay - Patient brochure for patients with supplementary insurance Claraspital
Complete Claraspital brochure