
Ge­ne­ral in­ter­nal me­di­ci­ne

In­fec­tiolo­gi­cal cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­on

The Cla­ra­spi­tal's in­fec­tiolo­gi­cal con­sul­ta­ti­on ser­vice as­ses­ses ho­spi­ta­li­sed pa­ti­ents with su­spec­ted or con­fir­med in­fec­tions and ma­kes sug­ge­sti­ons re­gar­ding in­ve­sti­ga­ti­ons and tre­at­ment.

Cour­se of tre­at­ment

The registration of an infectiological consultation is carried out by the assistant or senior doctor responsible for the patient at the Claraspital. In addition, an outpatient infectiological consultation is offered at the Claraspital half a day a week.

Patients who have been assessed by the infectious disease specialists during a previous hospitalisation at the Claraspital and for whom further specialist infectious disease care is indicated after discharge are seen in the infectious disease consultation. Examples of this are patients with endocarditis (heart valve infection), osteomyelitis (bone infection), HIV infection or tuberculosis. Furthermore, patients who are not already known to the Claraspital can, in selected cases, be registered with the Claraspital's infectiology consultation by their GP. In order to register, the GP must consult with a senior infectiology doctor.

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