
Clar­un­is - Uni­ver­si­ty Ab­do­mi­nal Cent­re Ba­sel

Di­sea­ses of the ab­do­mi­nal or­gans and the thy­ro­id gland

Clar­un­is - Uni­ver­si­ty Ab­do­mi­nal Cent­re Ba­sel is the joint com­pe­tence cent­re of the Claraspital and the Uni­ver­si­ty Ho­spi­tal for all pa­ti­ents re­qui­ring tre­at­ment in the ab­do­mi­nal area

Clarunis provides basic visceral surgery and gastroenterological care as well as highly specialised procedures for all abdominal diseases at its two sites, Claraspital and University Hospital Basel.

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