

In the urology department at the Claraspital, a team of eight specialists treats the entire spectrum of urological diseases.

Medizinisches Angebot Urologie Ultraschall Clarspital Content

The range of urology services includes both the diagnosis and treatment of all diseases of the kidneys, ureter, bladder, prostate and male reproductive organs using guideline-compliant methods. The specialism is complemented by the treatment of potency disorders and urinary incontinence.

The urology department at the Claraspital is an A2 training clinic recognised by the SIWF and can offer full training to become a specialist in urology.

Functional results after robotic radical prostatectomy

Continence and potency are issues that make a decisive contribution to the quality of life of prostate cancer patients. As part of the Prostate Cancer Outcomes (PCO) study, in which the Claraspital is also involved, the German Cancer Society has carried out a quality of outcome comparison of the participating prostate cancer centres. The data was collected using anonymised patient questionnaires (one week before the operation and one year after the operation).

HSM ser­vice or­der for ra­di­cal and simp­le cy­stec­tomy

Since 2023, the urology department at the Claraspital has had the HSM service mandate for the complete removal of the bladder (for bladder cancer or other diseases). This means that patients can be offered the full range of treatment for bladder cancer.


Uro-oncology centre

Uroonkologisches Zentrum Claraspital Zertifikate
Uro-on­co­lo­gy cent­re - cer­ti­fied by the Ger­man Can­cer So­cie­ty
Uroonkologisches Zentrum Nierenkrebszentrum Claraspital Zertifikate
Kid­ney can­cer cent­re - cer­ti­fied by the Ger­man Can­cer So­cie­ty
Uroonkologisches Zentrum Prostatakrebszentrum Claraspital Zertifikate
Pro­sta­te can­cer cent­re - cer­ti­fied by the Ger­man Can­cer So­cie­ty


Recognised A2 training centre

Zertifizierte Weiterbildungsstätte SWIF Claraspital Zertifikat
Re­co­gnis­ed trai­ning cent­re

Contact information

How you can reach us

Medizinisches Angebot Urologie Ops Claraspital Teaser

Cer­ti­fied uro-on­co­lo­gy cent­re

Various medical specialist groups work closely together at the Uro-oncology Centre for Prostate and Kidney.

Together, they determine an optimal treatment plan for each patient.

To the Urooncological Centre