Zertifiziertes Zentrum

Uro-on­co­lo­gy cent­re for pro­sta­te and kid­ney

Wa­ter va­pour the­ra­py for the pro­sta­te (Re­züm)

Wa­ter va­pour the­ra­py (Re­züm) treats be­nign pro­sta­te en­lar­ge­ment in a mi­ni­mal­ly in­va­si­ve way.

In addition to the classic procedures for the treatment of benign prostate enlargement, minimally invasive therapy with steam (Rezüm) has established itself as an alternative, particularly to drug therapy.

Cour­se of tre­at­ment

In a short inpatient procedure, water vapour is injected into the prostate under brief sedation (twilight sleep). The water vapour causes the cells to die and the prostate to shrink. This leads to a reduction in the symptoms of benign prostate enlargement. The effect usually occurs after two weeks, the maximum benefit after around 3 months.

After the operation, a catheter must be worn through the urethra for a week, which is then removed on an outpatient basis.

The advantages

  • Short procedure time and hospitalisation
  • No general or spinal anaesthesia necessary
  • Preservation of sexual function
  • Alternative to drug therapy

Disadvantage: No tissue examination possible

Contact information

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