
Ra­dia­ti­on on­co­lo­gy

Our ser­vices

Here you will find an over­view of the ex­ten­si­ve on­co­lo­gy ser­vices at the Claraspital.

Cour­se of tre­at­ment

Firstly, a detailed initial consultation takes place, during which the previously reviewed medical findings are discussed and categorised. If radiotherapy is indicated (i.e. medically advisable), a three-dimensional radiotherapy plan is first drawn up for radio-oncological cases using a computer tomography scan carried out specifically for this purpose in our department. Other diagnostic imaging such as an MRI or PET/CT may also be taken into account when drawing up the plan.

The plan is created as part of a complex, iterative process between the various professional groups within our department. After final approval of the plan, which usually takes about a week, radiotherapy usually begins on weekdays, i.e. 5 times a week. In some cases, radiotherapy can also be given only 3 times a week (stereotaxy) or 2 times a week (joint radiotherapy).

During several weeks of radiotherapy, there are regular consultations with the doctor so that side effects can be recognised in good time and treated if necessary. Shortly after the last radiotherapy session, there is also a final medical consultation to reflect on the course of the treatment and determine the procedure.

Range of treatments and equipment

  • Two modern "TrueBeam" linear accelerators from the world market leader "Varian"
  • High-resolution planning computer tomograph with recognition of the breathing phases
  • deep inspiration breath hold (DIBH) technology for optimum protection of the heart and lungs during thoracic radiotherapy (e.g. post-operative chest radiotherapy, high-precision lung stereotaxy)
  • Generally image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) with intensity-modulated rotational radiotherapy (VMAT)
    Stereotactic high-precision radiotherapy (stereotaxy) for smaller primary tumours of the lung and adrenal gland or for isolated and isolated pre-progressive metastases in the brain, lungs, liver and bones
  • For superficial tumours, use of electrons if necessary

Contact information

How you can reach us