
On­co­lo­gy / ha­ema­to­lo­gy out­pa­ti­ent cli­nic

Chemotherapy, antibody and hormone therapies and the administration of blood products are carried out on an outpatient basis in the oncology and haematology outpatient clinic.

Medizinisches Angebot Tumorzentrum AOH 2 Claraspital Content

Drug-based tumour therapies can now often be administered in short, outpatient stays, so that a self-determined life in familiar surroundings at home is possible even during therapy. The Oncology and Haematology Outpatient Clinic offers a total of 20 treatment places. In 2023, over 9,000 tumour-effective therapies and around 15,000 blood samples were taken here.

The focus is on highly competent professional and personal care from both the medical and nursing side. It is important to us to provide you with the best possible treatment tailored to your needs, to recognise you as a person and to make your stay as short and pleasant as possible.

Out­pa­ti­ent set­ting

The team of around 50 doctors at the Oncology/Haematology Outpatient Clinic is responsible for diagnosis and prescribing treatment.

So that the nursing staff can spend as much time as possible with the patients, the case management team takes on the organisational and administrative tasks of the entire department. This includes, for example, the organisation and coordination of all patient appointments.
patient appointments.

"We take our time to clarify as many questions and uncertainties as possible," says Beatrice Moser, head of outpatient oncological care. An initial medical consultation, in which the treatment concept and further procedure are discussed, is usually followed by an additional, specifically focussed consultation with the nursing staff. Nursing topics and details of the stay are discussed. "Patients arrive well informed and calmer for the first administration of therapy," says Beatrice Moser.

Moser Beatrice
«A central task of nursing care is to be close to patients.»
- Beatrice Moser, Head of Nursing Oncology/Haematology Outpatient Clinic

Information about your treatment in the oncology/haematology outpatient clinic

We welcome you to bring someone close to you to the consultation. An accompanying person can also be present during the treatment.

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