

Mye­lo­dys­pla­stic syn­drome

In mye­lo­dys­pla­stic syn­drome, the bone mar­row pro­du­ces a lar­ge num­ber of ab­nor­mal blood cel­ls that do not en­ter the blood­stre­am; it is also seen as "pre-leu­ka­emia", i.e. a pre­cur­sor to leu­ka­emia.

MDS is difficult to recognise, as symptoms can also occur in a variety of other diseases. In the haematology consultation at the Claraspital Basel, patients with MDS are diagnosed, advised and treated on the basis of blood and bone marrow examinations.

MDS Cent­re of Ex­cel­lence

The international MDS Foundation has certified the haematology department at the Claraspital as an MDS Center of Excellence. In an MDS Centre of Excellence, people suffering from myelodysplastic syndrome receive optimal care and treatment. There are only four recognised MDS centres in Switzerland.

MDS is difficult to recognise, as symptoms can also occur in a variety of other diseases. Against this background, the international MDS Foundation certifies MDS Centres of Excellence that specialise in MDS and fulfil an extensive and demanding catalogue of requirements. Prerequisites include recognised (morphological) expertise in MDS, the ability to carry out cytogenetic and molecular genetic tests, ongoing research, clinical trials and the documentation of peer-reviewed publications. MDS Centres of Excellence are a sign of quality for patients. The certification of the Claraspital haematology department by the MDS Foundation was initiated by Dr Stefani Parmentier, Head of Haematology.

In the haematology consultation at the Claraspital Basel, patients with MDS are diagnosed, advised and treated on the basis of blood and bone marrow examinations. The treatment goals for MDS depend on the MDS subclassification and the severity of the symptoms. The treatment of MDS is divided into three main groups: Observation, supportive therapies and specific disease-modifying treatments. In addition to the standard therapies approved to date, patients at the Claraspital also have the opportunity to be treated with the latest therapeutic approaches as part of various national and international studies.


The symptoms result from a reduction in one or more normal blood cell lines due to displacement. There is usually anaemia; a reduction in platelets and white blood cells leads to bleeding and an increased tendency to infection. The transition to acute leukaemia is also possible.


Myelodysplastic syndrome is suspected on the basis of the microscopic blood count and can only be confirmed by a bone marrow examination with special tests.


The treatment goals for MDS depend on the MDS subclassification and the severity of the symptoms. The treatment of MDS is divided into three main groups: Observation, supportive therapies and specific disease-modifying treatments. In addition to the standard therapies approved to date, patients at the Claraspital also have the opportunity to be treated with the latest therapeutic approaches as part of various national and international studies.

The treatment is carried out in younger people with intensive chemotherapy. A cure can be sought with a subsequent stem cell transplant with a stem cell donor, which is carried out at the University Hospital Basel in the Centre for Haematological Tumours, with which we are associated.

For older patients, less intensive chemotherapeutic treatment can be offered on an outpatient basis at the haemato-oncology outpatient clinic. Treatment of anaemia with transfusions or erythropoietin is also possible.

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