Tu­mour cent­re

Art the­ra­py

The ex­pe­ri­en­ces one has as a re­su­lt of an ill­ne­ss are va­ried, so­me­times stress­ful and not fre­ely cho­sen. In art the­ra­py, the pa­ti­ent tries to re­dis­co­ver the path of life that was brief­ly torn, in­ter­rup­ted and in­vi­si­ble in the fog of suf­fe­ring.
Medizinisches Angebot Kunsttherapie Clarspital Content

The changed life situation needs to be explored, a journey into the unknown begins, accompanied and guided by one's own creativity and the therapeutic framework. The creative powers of the human being enable the expression of inner and outer images with creative means. Mental content becomes communicable and can be taken to another level of consciousness through therapeutic dialogue.

Cour­se of tre­at­ment

"There is an age in which one teaches what one knows;? but then comes another age in which one teaches what one does not know: this is called research."?

Roland Barthes

The offer is aimed at

  • Inpatients and outpatients of the Claraspital
  • Relatives and loved ones of the patient
  • Children of patients

No special prior knowledge is required for the art therapy programme. If you are interested, please speak to your doctor. Further information and registration can also be obtained directly from the art therapist.

Possible settings

  • Ongoing, open groups, entry is possible at any time
  • Thematic group therapy with 6 sessions each
  • Individual therapy by arrangement

Focus of treatment

  • Individual therapy for people with cancer and their relatives
  • Depth-psychologically orientated art therapy
  • Painting therapy
  • Relaxation therapy
  • counselling
  • Crisis interventions
  • Stressful situations
  • People with exhaustion
  • People with chronic pain
  • Body awareness after operations

Contact information

How you can reach us

Brochures and downloads

Flyer art therapy