

Com­pu­ted to­mo­gra­phy ex­ami­na­ti­on of the small in­te­sti­ne (CT en­te­ro­gra­phy, CT en­tero­cly­sis)

CT en­te­ro­gra­phy is a way of ex­ami­ning the en­t­i­re small in­te­sti­ne using com­pu­te­ri­sed to­mo­gra­phy. CT en­te­ro­gra­phy can show in­flamma­tory chan­ges (e.g. Crohn's di­se­a­se), tu­mours, steno­ses (con­stric­tions) and con­ge­ni­tal (vascu­lar) ano­ma­li­es. In CT en­tero­cly­sis, the flu­id is ad­mi­ni­ste­red via a pro­be (in­ser­ted via the nose), which en­ab­les even bet­ter di­sten­si­on of the in­te­sti­nal lu­men. Howe­ver, we only per­form this ex­ami­na­ti­on in spe­cial ca­ses.

Cour­se of tre­at­ment

In preparation, you should drink 2 litres of an aqueous mannitol solution (a sugar compound) over a period of 60 minutes in our department. In addition, we will inject a medication (Buscopan) immediately before the start of the examination, which relaxes the intestinal wall muscles and, together with the fluid, ensures that the bowel dilates optimally.

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