

Car­diac MRI

Ma­gne­tic re­so­nan­ce ima­ging of the heart (kno­wn as car­diac MRI or car­dio-MRI) is a mo­dern, non-in­va­si­ve me­thod that can vi­sua­li­se the heart in any pla­ne wi­t­hout the use of X-rays or ra­dioac­tive sub­stan­ces.

Cour­se of tre­at­ment

This examination can image the beating heart in motion and therefore allows an assessment of the heart function, the movement of the heart wall and the heart valves.
Furthermore, after intravenous injection of a well-tolerated gadolinium preparation (MRI contrast agent), the tissue properties of the heart can be analysed and thus statements can be made about the condition of the heart muscle. This means that scars after a heart attack or myocarditis can be reliably diagnosed.

It is also possible to visualise heart defects, bulges in the heart wall (aneurysms), heart tumours and congenital and acquired heart valve defects. With the so-called stress MRI of the heart, the blood flow to the heart muscle can be measured after an additional injection of certain medication (adenosine), which allows the risk of a heart attack to be assessed.
These special examinations are carried out in cooperation between cardiology and radiology and analysed together. As the examination requires more extensive preparation, we have provided you with an additional information sheet (see right-hand column).

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