

Bre­ast ul­tra­sound

The ul­tra­sound ex­ami­na­ti­on of the fe­ma­le bre­ast (in ex­cep­tio­nal ca­ses the male bre­ast) is ge­ne­ral­ly used as a sup­ple­ment to mam­mo­gra­phy to cla­rify pal­pa­ti­on fin­din­gs in the bre­ast as well as for scree­n­ing.

Cour­se of tre­at­ment

In addition to mammography, breast ultrasound is an important imaging procedure for examining the breast. The ultrasound examination of the female breast complements mammographic diagnostics in the event of palpation findings, swelling, fluid secretions or pain. The advantages of breast ultrasound are particularly evident in the examination of young women, whose comparatively dense breast tissue often cannot be sufficiently assessed with a mammogram.

As there is no radiation during the ultrasound examination, it is also ideal for examinations during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

The investigation of unclear or even suspicious findings in the breast includes a palpation of the breast and a breast ultrasound. Often a mammogram and, in selected cases, an MRI of the breast are also carried out. If a malignant finding cannot be ruled out in this way, a tissue sample is taken. The result of the tissue sample and the next steps will be discussed with the woman concerned in a timely manner.

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